Industry News

Edison: Podcasting Gaining on AM/FM’s Hold on Spoken Word Listening

The most recent edition of Edison Research’s Weekly Insights presents data that indicates podcasting is continuing to close in on AM/FM’s dominance of spoken word listening in the U.S. In 2017, 66% of spoken word audio was consumed via AM/FM radio and 13% via podcasting. Seven years later, AM/FM accounts forim 43% of spoken word listening, and podcasts 36%. Keep in mind that for Edison’s purposes spoken word content includes news, sports talk and play-by-play, audiobooks, talk shows, and “personalities.” Edison states, “Podcasting’s share of spoken word will almost surely surpass that of AM/FM within a few more years. There is one more thing to note – the advantage for AM/FM is coming entirely from those age 65 and older. Among those ages 13-64, podcasting has already passed AM/FM listening by, 41% to 39%. Meanwhile, among the oldest Americans age 65+, AM/FM radio continues to dominate, with a 66%-13% advantage. Curiously, that 66%-13% difference among the oldest Americans is the exact same difference we recorded for all Americans 13+ in 2017.”