Industry News

Edison Research Releases “The Podcast Consumer 2024”

Edison Research reports that the results of it’s “The Podcast Consumer 2024” study indicates that podcasts have established themselves as a mainstream media platform, attracting an ever-growing and highly engaged audience. Highlighting the targeted appeal and increasing influence of podcasts, Edisonim says that key points for advertisers to know about podcast listeners include: 1) More people than ever are listening to podcasts: 67% of the 12+ population has ever listened to a podcast; 47% of the 12+ population are monthly podcast listeners and 34% are weekly listeners; 2) Listeners are spending more time than ever with podcasts: In 2014, out of the daily time spent listening to all audio by those age 13+, 2% was spent with podcasts. In 2024, that number more than quadrupled and podcasts now account for 11% of daily time with audio. Twenty-three percent of weekly podcast listeners spend 10 hours or more listening to the medium each week; and 3) Podcasts reach all generations: 29% of kids age 6-12, 59% of those age 12-34, 55% of those age 35-54, and 27% of those age 55+ are monthly podcast listeners. See more about the study here.