Industry Views

Monday Memo: The Local Radio Advantage

By Holland Cooke

imIf you’re a news/talk station, don’t assume that you own “news radio” in your market. Imaging is important, but it merely talks-the-talk. You walk-the-walk with local news copy that delivers what solid commercial copy does: benefits. Just doing local news makes you special. But do listeners simply hear a station voice… reading something? Are you merely… accurate? Or do you deliver “take-home pay,” unwrapping the story to tell the listener something useful?

In many homes, there are now fewer radios than smart speakers. And nobody has ever said: “Alexa, please play six commercials.” But she can play millions of songs. So do streams and YouTube.

What can make a music station different from all those other audio choices is the way you help folks cope, how relevant and empathetic you are, how you sound like you have-their-back as day-to-day news has them wondering “What NEXT?”

And boosting tune-in exposes your advertisers better. So, Time Spent Listening is still the ballgame. Specifically, you need to add occasions of tune-in, and this week’s column begins a three-part series of news copy coaching tips that can help bring listeners back more often.


Simply rewriting source material can make a huge difference. Press releases torture the ear. They’re formal, and prone to jargon and spin (especially from politicians). When they’re from the police, they’re written in cop-speak. And most press releases are written inside-out, emphasizing a process, rather than the consequence to listeners.

Process example: “At Thursday’s work session of the Springfield City Council, a decision was made to move forward with Community Days this year. The annual Community Days celebration is scheduled for June 16 and 17th. Council members made sure the Community Days funds will be handled by an independent accountant. Councilwoman Sharon Grant said…”

Re-write to lead with consequence: “The annual Springfield Community Days celebration will be June 16th and 17th. After last year’s controversy, Council members made sure the Community Days funds will be handled by an independent accountant. At Thursday’s session, Councilwoman Sharon Grant said…”

That simple tweak is well-worth the minimal effort. Listeners are mentally busy. Remove “Styrofoam words.”  Example: “State Police say they are investigating a possible case of child endangerment after a seven-month-old child was treated for severe injuries.”

Simply delete “say they.”

Next week: Ripped from the headlines… 

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. He is the author of The Local Radio Advantage: Your 4-Week Tune-In Tune-Up,” and “Close Like Crazy: Local Direct Leads, Pitches & Specs That Earned the Benjamins” and “Confidential: Negotiation Checklist for Weekend Talk Radio.” Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke and connect on LinkedIn

Industry Views

SABO SEZ: Seek New Story Sources and Surprise Your Listeners

By Walter Sabo
Consultant, Sabo Media Implementers
A.K.A. Walter Sterling
Radio Host, “Sterling On Sunday”
Talk Media Network

imEarlier this week, Michael Harrison published his top 10 list of suggestions for being a successful talker. Item number three really caught my eye:

“Avoid worn out talking points. Be original. Always bring something new to the table. Otherwise you DESERVE to be replaced by AI.”

 When consulting client stations, the PD and I will take the on-air team through a pragmatic brainstorm session to discover completely unused source material.

First the material should be intriguing to you and appealing to your listener (singular.) New sources mean surprises and the fastest and most economical method of generating word of mouth, phone calls and cume is to present surprises all day.

1. Close to home. Pay foreground attention to incidents at home. Your home. Events that you may view as mundane could bond you with your listener. Consider that water in the basement, check engine light, parent/teacher conference, bad bank behavior, in-law interference. If any of those experiences has happened to you, you honestly know that they are a bigger deal than speeches in Congress.

2. Search the names of locations that you never discuss. Those searches have revealed to me and my listener that the number one fear in Siberia is the vast forest fires and that as the permafrost melts, it could expose million-year-old deadly viruses. One “Siberia news” search. Try this, search “Keith Fons North Pole Alaska” You will discover a bizarre Christmas story.

3. Local morning TV shows have unique fun stories that you don’t see because you’re listening to the radio. Go to their websites and you will see all of their topics, with audio, dated. 

Take a different approach to proven topics. A trait of successful hosts is that they discuss common topics but take a very different tact. Some examples: When TV legend Ann Bishop of WPLG Miami died, fellow broadcaster Neil Rogers mourned Bishop by saying, “She did nothing for me, sir.”

On crime in Cleveland, the late Mike Trivisonno on WTAM declared, “the best thing that could happen is for the Mafia to come back to Cleveland.”

Howard Stern surprises you every time he opens his mouth. It’s the fresh topics combined with surprising POV=Star. 

Walter Sabo has an outstanding track record advising media companies wishing to increase their share of revenue. His weekly syndicated show Sterling On Sunday aims to provide three hours of completely unique topics.  Contact him at or 646.678.1110

Industry Views

Monday Memo: How Talk Radio Imitates Lunch

By Holland Cooke

imHere’s actual news copy, from Joe Connolly’s business report one morning on WCBS, NY: “One third of all domestic flights are now late, by an average of one hour.”

Note: That wasn’t the headline, it was the entire story. As-much-as half of Connolly’s script is one-sentence stories. Espresso, not latte. Just the factoids, ma’am. The essence. What the listener would likely retain (and quote later) from the story if copy were longer.

Here’s some HC lore – and promo language – that’ll be familiar to programmers and talent I work with:

The first 5 minutes of the hour are for facts.

The next 55 are for feelings.

Your news people, and/or your network, fuss to make 00-05 a handy digest of the-very-latest-about the stories they reckon to be relevant to your target listener. Your on-air imaging should promise accordingly. Invite busy, in-car listeners to make an hourly appointment, “THROUGHOUT YOUR BUSY DAY.”

The people with whom that benefit statement will resonate are high-TSL users who don’t want to feel “OUT-OF-THE-LOOP, WHEN YOU’RE OUT-AND-ABOUT.” And they’re the listeners your local direct retail advertisers want to meet the most. Every time they stop the car, they spend money.


What happens at lunch is what should happen on-air

Picture Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer at that coffee shop on “Seinfeld.”

Suppose Jerry heard Connolly’s report earlier that morning and mentioned that story. Because ratings are a memory test, this is a home run, even if Jerry doesn’t say “WCBS” when he repeats what Joe reported. Joe made a deposit in Jerry’s memory bank. If Jerry does say “WCBS,” it’s a grand slam.

Then, George chimes in: “AN HOUR LATE???  THAT’S NOTHING!  WAIT’LL YOU HEAR WHAT HAPPENED WHEN MY PARENTS TRIED TO FLY TO FLORIDA LAST WEEK!” Now Elaine and Kramer are engaged; and they too might have stories.

Jerry shared what he heard 00-05, information of interest, facts. George is that first caller you want the screener to put through. Elaine and Kramer are listeners who can relate, might contribute their feelings, and will at least remember.

Because ratings methodology can give you an entire Quarter Hour credit for as-little-as 5 minutes of actual listening, the-most-opportune topics are compelling stories listeners just heard on-hour, which you then offer callers your air to weigh-in-on.

Why? People believe your promos. They stopped-in for their on-hour update. Then, at 05, before an index finger can travel from the steering wheel to the “Kiss” or “Lite” or “Magic” button, engage them.

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. He is the author of “Close Like Crazy: Local Direct Leads, Pitches & Specs That Earned the Benjamins” and “Confidential: Negotiation Checklist for Weekend Talk Radio.” Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke

Industry Views

Emotional Is Local

By Walter Sabo
Consultant, Sabo Media
A.K.A. Walter Sterling
Radio Host, Sterling On Sunday
Talk Media Network

imMentioning a local street name won’t do it. Constant local references is not LOCAL LIVE, it’s a GOOGLE MAP!

For years, as VP/GM of the ABC Radio Networks, I explained to affiliates that, yes, our six network services were in fact local programming – local to a demographic.  The networks reached specific demographics and therefore were local to the heart and soul of a specific listener. (Yes, this usually worked!)

Today, true local programming hits an emotional moment in the day of the listener.  For example, by far the most topic response from listeners on “Sterling on Sunday” is to stories about my sister-in-law. The premise of these stories is that your sister-in-law controls your marriage. I share the horrors of life with my sister-in-law. The email, phone and Facebook response from listeners is stunning.

The greatest response to any host is when a listener is compelled to say “YES!” within the solitude of their car. That emotional response comes when a host shares their personal feelings, life events and experiences. It rarely comes from an interesting observation about today’s editorial page. Let me suggest that it NEVER comes from an interesting observation about today’s editorial page.

Bonding emotions are the result of a host’s personal, intimate revelations

Sharing personal, intimate emotions are pre-emptive. While other hosts may duplicate endless, dreary, old age attracting rants against Democrats, no two hosts have the same emotional life-events.

Mother-in-law, kid, marriage, sex, personal impact stories are singular, unique and MEMORABLE. Listeners return to hosts who tell personal, emotional stories. They want to hear what happens next, they remember the last host revelation and anticipate the next. Many radio stars share their personal stories every single day like Howard Stern and Elvis Duran.

Shared emotional appeal transcends demographics and geography. Emotions are universal and the foundation of a unique hit show.

Walter Sabo is Walter Sterling. Host of the hit Talk Media Network syndicated show “Sterling on Sunday. LIVE 10PM-1AM EST. Heard live 10:00 pm – 1:00 am live on affiliates KMOX, WPHT, KDKA, KMBZ-FM; and dozens more. Contact Walter at, 646.678.1110.

Industry News

Edison Research and SXM Media Release Gen Z Podcast Study

Edison Research and SXM Media release the Gen Z Podcast Listener Report. The report notes that Gen Z (ages 13-24) has an estimated online population of 24 million Americans. Some of the takeaways from this report include: 1) Podcast listening has grown among those age 13-24: In 2018, 30% of those age 13-24 had listened to a podcast in the last month. Today, 47% of those age 13-24 have listened to a podcast in the last month (24 million Americans), a 57% increase; 2) Gen Z got an early start with podcasts: 16% of Gen Zim monthly podcast listeners started listening as a child, 57% started listening as a teenager and 25% started listening as an adult. This means 73% of Gen Z monthly podcast listeners began listening before the age of 18; 3) Those who began listening earlier in life, listen longer: Gen Z monthly podcast listeners who started listening as a child consume 10.6 hours of podcasts per week; those who started as a teenager consume 7.5 hours per week, and those who started as an adult consume 6.6 hours of podcasts per week. The average for all Gen Z monthly podcast listeners is 7.7 hours per week; and 4) Gen Z act as a result of podcast ads: 82% of Gen Z monthly podcast listeners have taken any action as a result of hearing a podcast advertisement; 70% have either purchased or wanted to purchase the product or service they heard advertised, 61% have visited a company or product website, 44% have used a promo code or discount code mentioned in the podcast, and 42% have recommended a product to a friend or family member. See the study here.

Industry News

98.5 The Sports Hub’s Fred Toucher to Have Throat Surgery

Fred Toucher – co-host of the “Toucher & Rich” morning drive show on Beasley Media Group’s sports talk WBZ-FM, Boston “98.5 The Sports Hub” – says he’ll be having surgery on his throat and thanks a listener for connecting him with the doctor that will do the procedure. Toucher has missed time on the air recently due to a persistent throat problem that’s affected his voice. Other doctors have not been able to pinpoint the problem. Yesterday (4/10), his on-air partner Rich Shertenlieb read a statement from Toucher on the program that read: “My voice has been messed up for a long time. I had been going to doctors and they didn’t seem overly concerned. However, a listener heard me and put me in touch with a doctor he works with. I went and things didn’t go great. He found some things in my throat that concerned him. He told me not to worry because he could fix all of it. Not to sound dramatic but it is possible a listener saved my life by setting up that appointment.” Toucher also said via social media that he plans to be back but is under a “no talking” order from the doctor and adds, “To that, I am grateful, even though the doctor doesn’t take insurance. Between this and my divorce, I’m f—ed financially! Sorry kids – Christmas is going to look a lot different this year.”

Industry Views

The Uniqueness of the American Radio Talk Show Host

By Walter Sabo
Consultant, Sabo Media
A.K.A. Walter Sterling
Radio Host, Sterling on Sunday

Talk show talent, program directors, show producers and broadcast business decision-makers represent the core readership of this publication. Sometimes we are so close to something that we fail to see it for what it really is. That is the case of the “talk show host” in American radio. Michael Harrison refers to the often-shameless targeting of audiences as “the daily dance of affirmation.” I view the daily process of radio talk show hosting at its very core, as “the daily dance of freedom.”

Talk show hosts are a rare breed and endangered species who enjoy a unique freedom in American radio. Hosts can actually talk about whatever they want! Of course, they are subject to both the rewards and consequences of this freedom – but the process of doing a live talk show, sparked by opinion and controversy, is so spontaneous and uniquely dynamic that it cannot be controlled on a minute-to-minute level without losing the flavor that makes it so special and long-lived.

During a decade as a top-five market and network talk show host, no one has ever told me what to talk about. And for zillions of years as a programming executive prior to that, I never told a host what to talk about on their next show.

Talk hosts are granted remarkable radio freedom!  Music jocks haven’t had that freedom since the 1960s. Music jocks have to get up the courage to ask permission to merely change the order of songs on their play list. Talk show hosts “own” three or four hours a day on a significant station or stations to say whatever they wish. That’s amazing! At first that freedom was a daunting, humbling challenge for me. However, I have been guided by my experience in programming or having launched some of the world’s most successful talk stations.

Based on that experience from both sides of the mic, here’s what works: Talk can entertain a listener of any age and demographic if the host talks about the listener’s day. I talk about my day framed for a listener, one listener – water in the basement, trouble with the sister-in-law, the parent-teacher conference, more trouble with the sister-in-law, the check engine light in the car never wants to go out, life at Walmart. I talk from a place of trust.

Trust that events that poke the landscape of our lives are a very big deal. Trust that I will never find the “right” topic on any editorial page. Trust that you, dear listener, already know who you are going to vote for in any election and that this English major does not have the magic wand to change your mind. Trust that my on-air opinion must never waiver or we have no show.

Listen to talk shows and stations that reach demos under 50:  WMMS, Cleveland; KFI’s John and KenCasey Bartholomew at WBAP, Dallas; KMBZ, Kansas City; KFBK, Sacramento; the Elvis Duran Show; and streaming with Bubba the Love Sponge or Phil Hendrie. Those successful shows embrace the scope of conversation two best friends would have on the phone today. If two best friends would discuss a topic, why wouldn’t you share it on the air? If two best friends would never discuss it, why would you ever put it on the air?

Walter Sabo, consultant, can be contacted at Sabo Media: Direct phone: 646-678-1110.  Check out 

Industry News

TALKERS News Notes

— Talk radio pro Gary R’Nel is named Saturday afternoon host (3:00 pm – 5:00 pm) on Audacy’s news/talk WPHT, Philadelphia. R’nel tells TALKERS, “I think it’s imperative that talk radio present shows that are entertaining and informative. Connecting with the listener one-on-one in some capacities has become a lost art. Those who do engage are among the most successful.”

Edison Research is presenting its first webinar of the year, “Media Habits of Gen Z,” next Wednesday (1/18) at 1:00 pm ET. Edison says, “This custom study, examining media habits of Gen Z through survey research and qualitative interviews, was originally commissioned by the PRPD and presented at their annual conference recently. The findings are now being made available in a webinar. Discover how Gen Z see themselves, how they consume media, and how they share with their peers.” The webinar is being presented by Edison Research VP Megan Lazovick and senior director of research Gabriel Soto. Register here.

Omaha Productions and ESPN announce the launch of a new podcast called “Lead By Example” hosted by Golden State Warriors president of basketball operations and general manager Bob Myers. The podcast features Myers speaking with leaders in various walks of life – from sports and entrepreneurship to politics and entertainment – to share in their experiences and the lessons they’ve learned on their journey. The first guest is Warriors star Stephen Curry and drops on Tuesday (1/17).


Monday Memo: Yes, You Need More Cume

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — “Cumulative Audience” is radio’s version of what newspapers called “Circulation,” back when there were newspapers. It’s the number of people who tune-into your station during the week. Listeners, not listening. How many, not how many “Average Quarter Hours” (AQH) consumed.

We can’t get someone who doesn’t listen at all to listen more



Finding Your Next Great Salesperson

By Kathy Carr
Howie Carr Radio Network


BOSTON — What does “sales” really mean in this day and age? And just as important, where is your next great salesperson going to come from?

Here’s a quote from a best-selling self-help author named Og Mandino in his book, The Greatest Salesman in the World.

“Truly, many times have you heard me say that the rewards are great if one succeeds but the rewards are great only because so few succeed.”


Front Page News Industry News

Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday Memo: Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum-Summertime. Although the season officially begins tomorrow, consultant Holland Cooke says. “People are already there emotionally.” And in this week’s column, HC suggests how stations can relate to listeners’ inflation-hampered circumstances. Read his column here.


Pending Business: Digital Audio Keeps Growing. Radio sales pro Steve Lapa writes in today’s column that recent data indicates listening to digital audio – especially via smart speakers – continues to grow and that leaves opportunity for the audio seller. “No matter how your digital platforms are packaged, the concept of ‘influencer’ is alive and well when a listener accesses that feed. And every listener who accesses that smart speaker audio feed adds impressions to your talent’s content.” Read more here.


Talk Radio Revenue Addressed at TALKERS 2022 Convention. The recent TALKERS 2022 convention held on Friday, June 10 at Hofstra University on Long Island examined a number of issues facing talk media professionals, including selling spoken-word programming. Pictured above are four of the sales pros who appeared on the “Generating Talk Radio Revenue in a Noisy Digital World” panel, moderated by RAB president/CEO Erica Farber (inset). They are (from l-r): Christine Travaglini, president, Katz Radio Group, New York/RAB; Julie Talbott, president, Premiere Networks; Chad Lopez, president, Red Apple Media; and Erik Hellum, COO, Townsquare Media, New York/RAB. Beginning tomorrow (6/21), TALKERS magazine will begin posting videos of the numerous convention sessions, one per day.


Talk Host Meets Senator. Pictured above is KNTH-AM, Houston “AM 1070 The Answer” morning host Sam Malone (right) having an animated discussion with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz R-TX (left) on the floor of the annual Texas State Republican Convention. Malone and Cruz sparred over the U.S. Supreme Court’s pending ruling on Roe v Wade that many expect to be handed down this week.


Urban One to Pay $25 Million for Emmis’ Indy Stations. According to the SEC filing by Urban One on Friday (6/17), the price that it is paying for Emmis Communications Indianapolis radio stations adult contemporary WYXB-FM, country WLHK-FM, news/talk WIBC-FM, translators W228CX and W298BB “The Fan 93.5FM and 107.5FM,” and Network Indiana is $25 million. The two companies announced the deal earlier in the week. As noted then, this move leaves Emmis effectively out of the radio business. It owns the licenses to WEPN-FM and WLIB-AM in New York but leases them. Emmis continues to operate with a focus on its sales and marketing businesses.


Cromwell Media Officially Launches ‘94.9 The Fan’ in Nashville. Emanating from Cromwell Media’s WBUZ-HD3 and translator W235BW, “94.9 The Fan” becomes Nashville’s newest sports talk radio station. Programming includes “The Dan Patrick Show” and “The Herd with Colin Cowherd” as well as “OutKick 360” with Chad Withrow, Jonathan Hutton and Paul Kuharsky, and sports betting content from VSiN, The Sports Betting Network. Cromwell Vp/market manager Dennis Gwiazdon says, “The type of exciting sports content offered on ‘94.9 The Fan’ is not only unique by design, it’s the perfect complement to the live and local sports talk programming offered on sister station ‘ESPN 102.5 The Game.’ We now offer a ‘one-stop shop’ for all types of sports fans and sports bettors who want only the best local and national sports talk along with live sports broadcasts that include the Nashville Predators, the Nashville Sounds, MTSU football and men’s basketball, NASCAR, the Music City Grand Prix and much more.”


‘Chicks On The Right’ Redouble Efforts to ‘Give Conservatism a Makeover.’ Talk media entrepreneurs Miriam Weaver and Amy Jo Clark – hosts of the Radio America syndicated podcast “Chicks On The Right” – are embarking on a makeover of their own, launching a new website (and subsequent newsletter), hiring an all-female staff, and committing to a national tour of events to meet their growing fanbase across the country. Radio America says, “This relaunch campaign comes in response to the Chicks’ exploding popularity and record engagement from fans. Their website boasts as many as 2 million views a month and they earn more than 3 million impressions per month on their popular daily program. Weaver says, “Amy Jo and I started ‘Chicks On The Right’ as a fun side project. We were two working women who felt like our views weren’t represented in national discourse and decided to speak up. We never imagined that more than a decade later, we would quit our jobs to commit to ‘Chicks On The Right’ full time due to the overwhelming support we’ve received from women (and men) across the country, especially this year.”


Station Owner Shawn Knight Dies in Paragliding Accident. The details are few at this time, but Edhat Santa Barbara is reporting that Knight Broadcasting owner Shawn Knight died on June 15 in a paragliding accident. Knight’s company operates three Southern California radio stations, including: news/talk KUHL, Santa Maria; country KRAZ-FM, Santa Ynez; and AC KSYV-FM, Solvang.


The Economy, Midterms/Trump & the GOP, January 6 Hearings, Juneteenth Holiday, End of SCOTUS Term, Russia-Ukraine War, COVID-19, and Columbia Elects Leftist Among Top News/Talk Stories Over the Weekend. The high price of gas & food, the sinking Dow & NASDAQ, and concerns about a recession; the primary races for the November midterms and Donald Trump’s influence over the GOP; the aftermath of the January 6 Committee hearings; today’s Juneteenth holiday recognizing the end of slavery in the U.S.; the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to close its term and the overturning of Roe v Wade is expected; the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine; the still-present COVID-19 virus and concerns about new subvariants; and Columbia elects leftist Gustavo Petro president were some of the most-talked-about stories on news/talk radio over the weekend, according to ongoing research from TALKERS magazine.


Pending Business: Digital Audio Keeps Growing

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp


PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Seems there was a research release rally last week. Did you show up?

Probably not. Based on my sample base, most sellers were heads down doing what they like to do best. How about your manager? Did the boss bring something new to the tool kit? Sorry, bosses out there. If not, no worries. Read on as we scan my yellow highlighter for the quick notes.


Front Page News Industry News

Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday Memo: Spring Cleaning. “You’re expecting a metaphor,” Holland Cooke reckons. “When a consultant says, ‘Spring Cleaning,’ you brace for a checklist of tough choices when Spring ratings come in.” But HC says, “Take me literally,” as he wistfully chronicles procrastination you can likely relate to. Read more here.


Pending Business: The Anecdote. Radio sales pro Steve Lapa writes today about the value of a relatable anecdote in the talk radio sales process. He compares the focus a golfer has when playing the game to the connection hosts have with listeners. “Think about the engagement level of your listener with their favorite talk show host. The outside world shuts down for a brief moment as that listener is focused on what your host is saying. The host presents the content in a way that helps the listener shut out their daily distractions and engage with the host, guest and callers.” Read more here.


Key Networks and Beasley Partner to Offer Features for Sports Talk and Music Stations. This partnership between Key Networks and Beasley Media Group will make the features “Esports Quick Hits” and “Game Pop” available to sports talk stations and music stations, respectively. The 30-second segments are produced by Benztown and “deliver high energy, entertaining video gaming and pop culture content that ties esports to the traditional sports world by keeping listeners up to date on the latest esports and pro-gaming news.” The two companies announce that SportsMap Radio will be airing the feature on more that 100 U.S. stations on the SportsMap network four times a day every Monday through Friday. Beasley Media Group CEO Caroline Beasley says, “Beasley Media Group and our Beasley Esports division couldn’t be more excited about this new partnership! Key Networks is very aligned with us on developing and distributing next-generation content that reflects the growing popularity of digital sports.” Key Networks COO Dennis Green adds, “Key Networks continues to partner with best-in-class brands, and we are delighted to bring the esports features ‘Quick Hits’ and ‘Game Pop’ to stations across the country. Our partners at Beasley Media Group discovered early on that esports appeals to a young audience that continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Now is the time to get on board, as the future for esports is NOW!”


Report: Alex Jones’ Infowars Files for Chapter 11 Protection. According to a story by Bloomberg, Alex JonesInfowars is seeking Chapter 11 protection in Southern Texas, “with liabilities of as much as $10 million, according to a court filing.” The story notes that Alex Jones and his companies were found liable in a defamation lawsuit in Connecticut that was brought by families of some of the children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre. The families testified that they were harassed by fans of Jones’ program after Jones claimed that the families were paid crisis actors and that no children actually died. Jones has since stated publicly that he knows the massacre actually took place. Jones is awaiting the next phase of the case as the trial will determine the damages. Jones was also found liable in a similar case filed in Texas.


Devon Doers Named VP of Sales for iHeartMedia Twin Cities. Radio sales pro Devon Doers joins iHeartMedia as vice president of sales for the Minneapolis station group that includes news/talk KTLK-AM and sports talk KFXN “KFAN,” plus five music brands. Doers comes to iHeartMedia from Townsquare Media’s Bozeman, Montana operations where he’s been serving for the past eight years. iHeartMedia Minneapolis SVP of sales Bekki Yang says, “Devon’s extensive career in media, which has evolved over the years to include multi-channel marketing and digital, is what we’re most excited about.” Doers comments, “I am excited to help and be part of such a talented, experienced and great group of professionals with everyone at iHeartMedia Minneapolis.”


Dan Sileo and JAKIB Media Partners Extend and Expand ‘The National Football Show.’ A new deal between JAKIB Media Partners and sports talk personality Dan Sileo is announced. The new pact expands Sileo’s “The National Football Show” program by one hour to stream from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm daily. JAKIB Media Partners president Joe Krause says, “Dan Sileo knows football and knows the stars of the game. In his expanded role, sports fans will find themselves wanting more and more from Dan Sileo.” In addition, Sileo will host, “The College Football Show” every Saturday and team up with Barrett Brooks for a bi-weekly, one-hour show called, “In the Trenches.”


Russia-Ukraine War, the Economy/Inflation, Weekend Gun Violence, Biden Approval Ratings, Midterms/Trump & the GOP, COVID-19, and Easter & Passover Holidays Among Top News/Talk Stories Over the Weekend. Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the pressure on NATO, and the economic effects of the war; the state of the U.S. economy and the high price of gas and food; the shootings in Pittsburgh and South Carolina; the low approval ratings for President Joe Biden; the battle for control of Congress in November’s midterm elections and Donald Trump’s influence over the GOP; the return to mask mandates at some U.S. colleges, concerns about the BA.2 variant, and the lockdowns in Shanghai and Hong Kong; and the Easter and Passover holidays were some of the most-talked-about stories on news/talk radio over the weekend, according to ongoing research from TALKERS magazine.


Pending Business: The Anecdote

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp


PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — News and talk radio sellers are boring.

Sorry if I offended you. But that’s what I see in the marketing work I do.

It’s all about numbers on paper. If ratings are not part of the pitch, it comes down to a laundry list of predictable guests, a boilerplate bio, and whatever else is fast and easy.



Monday Memo: Improving Results from Endorsement Spots

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — The news/talk stations I work with make big money doing what talk radio does best: cutting through mental clutter, with live endorsement spots delivered by familiar local on-air personalities.

OOPS.  Do your endorsement spots say “I haven’t sold you yet?”

Often, these are long-standing advertiser relationships. Two cautions:
