
Six Reasons Radio Listeners Ignore Your Morning Show

By Gary Begin
Sound Advantage Media

imYou know the routine.

Your radio station introduces a new morning show, and you sit back and wait for the magic to happen.

And you wait…and you wait.

Still, the audience doesn’t know them, doesn’t care about them, or knows them and still doesn’t care about them.

Why is this happening?

There are six reasons:

One: Because they’re just not that good

It’s true! Radio managers are not famous for spotting and nurturing talent.

And a result: Being good is hard!

There’s a reason why Howard Stern was fired to the top. There’s a reason why it’s a safer bet to plug in Ryan Seacrest than to take a chance on somebody nobody knows (for better or worse). There’s a reason why the freshest young voice with a unique point of view prefers to launch a YouTube channel rather than work its way up the long, hard slog of the radio ladder.

Radio fans know what they like and don’t like, and everything else will likely fall in the vast, bland, vanilla middle. And while that vast, boring, vanilla middle can be tweaked with a bit of coaching or a new producer, there’s an old saying:

“You can’t polish a turd.”

Two: Because they’re not meaningfully different in a crowded field

Guy’s name and Gal’s name in the show title? Check.

Impeccable technical execution? Check.

Show producer/board op? Check.

What about plugging in all the radio morning show best practices? Check.

The problem with formulas for what makes a great morning show is that every station has access to the same procedures. And when every radio station is playing the same morning show game for the same audience at the same time using versions of the same bits, the audience will default to the show they’ve listened to longest, even if it’s not necessarily the best – because it takes a lot of time and effort to find the “best” and no time or effort at all to succumb to habit.

So why should I change the listening behavior that has served me well for years to sample YOUR show?

Three: Because listeners are barely exposed to them

It’s not only about how long a show has been on the air but also about how much exposure that show has had while it has been on.

I have a saying:

Listeners don’t listen to your morning show today; they listen to every episode of your morning show they have ever heard – today.

In other words, listeners bring their relationships with talent to each listening occasion. This makes intense morning shows powerful: They have a longstanding connection with their fans. It’s also why you can stream a market and listen to the dominant morning show without knowing why it’s so successful.

So, when you envelop your show in music, or the host opens the mic to announce a song, do a live read, announce another contest winner, check the weather, or emote some breezy phrase that dissipates into the radio ether within seven seconds, then the audience has less to know and fewer opportunities to realize it.

Why bother?

Four: Because they’re DJs and not humans

While there’s something comforting about a human voice on the radio, not every voice appears human. I’m not talking about voice-tracking here; I’m talking about content.

Humans have three dimensions – strengths and weaknesses, flaws, and blemishes. All on display.

When those dimensions are not displayed in a movie, we call the character “shallow.” And nobody (willingly) makes friends with shallow beings (although we’re happy to laugh at their expense TV).

Five: Because management doesn’t want a great morning show, they want a cheap morning show to be great

Too often, we’re not aiming for greatness; we’re aiming for extraordinary cheapness.

That’s not how Jimmy Fallon got the “Tonight Show” gig or how excellent radio talent is born. We fool ourselves into thinking the cheap voice can be better if only the audience catches on. And then we are disappointed when they never do.

This is not to say you always get what you pay for, but you certainly never get what you don’t pay for.

I recently ran into an old radio friend – a former morning host – now long out of the business. He was approached by a station in his market to do a weekend gig – live. And for this, he would be paid what he described as “the kind of money I made just out of school.”

Either he will say “no,” or the station will get from him what it’s paying for, which is precisely what it wants and much less than it pretends it wants.

Six: Because “liking them” and “listening to them” are two different things

Your new morning host may be a great guy and a model citizen, but if I’ve got 20 minutes of drive-time, I intend to spend it with the most compelling, entertaining, or informative morning show I can find, not with an audio Boy Scout.

Gary Begin can be reached at


Welcome to No-Brand Land!

By Gary Begin
Sound Advantage Media

imBroadcasting executives spend millions building their radio station’s brand in the marketplace. But is it being spent in the right place?

The frontline salesperson is a marketer’s greatest asset in creating brand justice and impact. But if you ask brand managers to look at their brand-building budgets, you’d probably see expenses allocated opposite to what drives brand purchase decisions.

Brand marketers continue to pump big bucks into extensive ad campaigns while doing next to nothing to deliver relevant, brand-supporting messages at the all-important, more significant level—the distance between a company’s sales voice and a prospect’s purchase decision.

What’s the answer?

It probably lies somewhere between (1) the unwillingness of radio stations and brand managers to go further “downstream” with their strategic recommendations and (2) the lack of useful tools to get them there.

Welcome to No Brand’s Land

Increasingly, a company’s branding success depends less on what they sell and more on how they sell it. Selected experts in branding seem to be coming around the idea that the power to make or break your brand-building effort lies not in the quality of your advertising but in the customer’s experience at the point of sale. In radio, that’s your over-the-air product and how your ad rep handles the advertiser.

On one side of No Brand’s Land, brand marketers can control all the implementation, ensuring the advertising campaign is right on, the media coverage generated by your on-air promotion is consistent, your Web site looks the same, and your corporate design is in place.

But on the other side of the No Brand’s Land, salespeople are still doing their own thing. They are cutting and pasting old proposals with outdated information and incorrect messages. They’re fabricating homegrown collateral tools and PowerPoint presentations that are, at best, inconsistent with corporate positioning or, worse, downright inaccurate.

The most frightening thing for brand marketers is that these cobbled-together documents must walk the halls of prospective customers, representing the company’s brand at the most critical points in the sales process. Ouch.

Adding insult to injury, the field-fabrication virus spreads exponentially as this lousy information is perpetuated across the channel on the brand’s intranet.

Crossing Over No Brand’s Land

To navigate and successfully cross No Brand’s Land effectively, marketers must start by adapting brand message creation and delivery to today’s strategic sales processes. Two trends will drive marketers’ efforts to create brand-supporting content that helps salespeople sell.

Trend #1: Value Selling

For more than a decade, sales training and methodology experts have focused on improving the consultative selling skills of salespeople—especially in complex selling environments. The concept is simple: first, salespeople identify customers’ needs; then, they demonstrate the ability of a solution to respond to that customer’s specific needs successfully.

Often called Value Selling or Solution Selling, this dynamic and interactive sales process replaces previously static, one-way techniques that debate the merits of competing features and functions.

While salespeople move toward creating a much more customized sales experience for each prospect, most marketing departments continue to deliver generic messaging using static collateral tools—a one-size-fits-all approach for a one-to-one world. No wonder salespeople are forced to scramble to create custom content, piecemealed from various sources, to demonstrate they have listened to the customer.

The first thing brand managers can do to help is translate their high-level positioning into street-ready value propositions and solution messaging that speak to customers the way salespeople have been trained to sell:

  • Create customer empathy by identifying and demonstrating a proper understanding of the critical do-or-die issues facing your customers. Do that for each level of the decision-making team and link it back to how they do their jobs today.
  • Next, determine and articulate the risks if they do not address these issues. Also, firmly establish and highlight the rewards if they do act. Take special care to find out how your customers will define success—determine what they want to brag about if they are successful in achieving positive results.
  • Then demonstrate how your company’s solution helps them respond specifically—and successfully—to their key do-or-die issues.

Trend #2: Dynamic, Personalized Collateral Building

Value selling has raised the bar, forever changing customer expectations about sales experiences. Customers expect company interactions to be personal, relevant, and tailored to their specific needs.

Meanwhile, marketing departments have tried to keep pace by adopting segmentation strategies, doing their best to tailor messages and create more customer-relevant positioning. However, the tools to deliver these increasingly sophisticated messages through the sales channels have lagged. So, we’ve seen a proliferation of static collateral tools designed to fit every occasion.

Unfortunately, salespeople are neither warehouse managers nor librarians, and they have difficulty tracking and finding suitable materials when needed. In response, marketers have set up sales intranets to supply 24×7 access to support materials.

While these intranets improve accessibility to materials, they don’t resolve the most significant issue facing today’s value-selling salespeople: the need to provide prospects with dynamic, personalized sales communications. With only static documentation, salespeople begin creating unique, customized documents for each sales situation.

Typically, this happens at the expense of the brand and the company. The lack of consistency between radio stations and from salesperson to salesperson—undermines the millions spent on brand awareness advertising. The extra time spent by salespeople crafting these personalized proposals, presentations, and collateral pieces keeps them from time better spent with customers.

Marketing’s big win is that every radio salesperson, even within a multi-entertainment environment, will now communicate a consistent company message. Imagine the brand-building power unleashed when sales reps begin delivering a persuasive, powerful, and pre-approved message at every point of customer contact.

Gary Begin can be contacted at:


Monday Memo: Your Podcast ‘Bones,’ Part Deux

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — “But I’m doing a whole SHOW, not just the ‘snack-size’ episodes you recommend,” one podcaster wrote, after reading last week’s column, itself conspicuously succinct.

While I continue to heed the listener research which recommends (forgive me) “less is more,” I myself subscribe to several longer-form podcasts. My concern about going-longer is the same caution I offer to eager beavers who ask me about launching a weekend show: It’s a lot of work.



Monday Memo: Earwitness News

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — Buzz-of-The-Biz in recent days: WTOP-FM, Washington offers newsroom staffers voluntary separation buyouts. Even radio’s top-billing station – owned by venerable Hubbard – is feeling the pinch. “Welcome to the club,” broadcasters elsewhere shrug.

Disclosure: I programmed that station for seven years in the 1980s, and hired some of the voices still heard there. And in today’s “gig economy,” with remote work now so commonplace, there’s new opportunity for the nimble.



Monday Memo: #NABShowNY

By Holland Cooke


NEW YORK — Lots of long-time-no-see hugs among 9,500 of us at the Javits Center as the National Association of Broadcasters resumed its October event – like much of life, interrupted by COVID – and increasingly pertinent to radio.

Though long-timers long for the days when the exhibit hall was populated by jingle gypsies, Hiney Wine, and bumpersticker and T-shirt vendors, we now find the teleprompters and studio lighting and cloud software that are becoming tools of the trade for radio broadcasters who leverage their transmitter brand to take content (and advertisers) everywhere consumers consume us.



Monday Memo: #NABShowNY

By Holland Cooke


NEW YORK — Lots of long-time-no-see hugs among 9,500 of us at the Javits Center as the National Association of Broadcasters resumed its October event – like much of life, interrupted by COVID – and increasingly pertinent to radio.

Though long-timers long for the days when the exhibit hall was populated by jingle gypsies, Hiney Wine, and bumpersticker and T-shirt vendors, we now find the teleprompters and studio lighting and cloud software that are becoming tools of the trade for radio broadcasters who leverage their transmitter brand to take content (and advertisers) everywhere consumers consume us.



Monday Memo: Podcasting? Think How-Long, Not How-Many

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — You might know of the Pareto Principle, also called “The Rule of 80/20,” which states that 80% of sales come from 20% of customers. Ask any retailer. And radio audience measurement bears this out too. 70%+ of listening comes from 20%+ of a station’s listeners.

Because most podcasts are free, many are downloaded

But how many actually get heard? And how many get heard in their entirety?



Monday Memo: Plan NOW for the Big Story

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — After Putin said he’s not bluffing about tactical nukes, it’s prudent to take time to re-familiarize yourself with your network’s continuing coverage routine. When-the-fit-hits-the-shan they’ll shine, and news/talk stations need to be conspicuous.

  • Know now how you will be alerted when the net’ goes wall-to-wall or offers in-and-out updates during the hour.
  • WHO will do WHAT to break-into syndicated shows? In many clusters, a single person manages multiple stations’ largely-automated programming. Which staffer can pivot?
  • Use cluster-mate stations to remind their listeners that your news/talk stick is all-over-this.
  • When “The Big Story” blocks-out the sun, anyone at home will be glued to TV; so say “Stick with us when you’re in the car…”

This isn’t just Ukraine-watch. Gun nuts like that Buffalo supermarket shooter walk among us. And we’re recently reminded that so-called “100 year” storms come lots more often lately.

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of radio and the Internet. And HC is author of the E-book “Spot-On: Commercial Copy Points That Earned The Benjamins,” a FREE download here: and “Multiply Your Podcast Subscribers, Without Buying Clicks,” available from Talkers books. And he’s offering FREE 60-second on-air features: “Inflation Hacks: Save Those Benjamins.” HC Follow him on Twitter @HollandCooke


Monday Memo: Yes, You Need More Cume

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — “Cumulative Audience” is radio’s version of what newspapers called “Circulation,” back when there were newspapers. It’s the number of people who tune-into your station during the week. Listeners, not listening. How many, not how many “Average Quarter Hours” (AQH) consumed.

We can’t get someone who doesn’t listen at all to listen more



Monday Memo: You Don’t Say

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — Regular readers see me use this space largely to suggest what to DO. This week, validating the ultimate consultant caricature, five DON’Ts.

Delete from your on-air vocabulary: “What say you?”

This is a Bill O’Reilly vestige many radio talkers still parrot. It sounds like Tonto in the old “Lone Ranger” TV show. Talk the way people talk.



Monday Memo: Like Sands Through the Hourglass…

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND — “…so are The Days of Our Lives.” The intro to that soap opera – er, daytime drama – is SO old that it outlived star MacDonald Carey, still heard voicing-over the beginning of each show on NBC-TV every weekday…until today. After 57 years and 58 Emmy Awards on broadcast television, the venerable melodrama will now be seen exclusively on NBC’s streaming platform Peacock.



Monday Memo: Promoting Your Podcast with Email

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — You DO regularly communicate with an email list…right? Few opportunities to engage are more powerful than the ongoing conversation you have with followers. It’s a relationship that Pandora and Spotify and SiriusXM can’t emulate and smart radio hosts exploit well.

Send a link to your latest episode, invite feedback, and (of course) “Share with a friend.”



Monday Memo: Stay Safe

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — What’s “our elevator speech?” they asked. Sales reps at a client station tend to pitch the AC FM with T-Rex numbers, and leave money on the table by under-pitching the news/talk station.

When I wrote, in great big letters on the whiteboard: “Because these are NOT normal times…” the owner proclaimed “That’s it!” and every rep was nodding and scribbling.



Monday Memo: The Resourceful Podcaster, Parked

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — The pandemic shutdown changed the standard for remote broadcasting.

  • Cable news talking heads – previously on-set or in a professional studio elsewhere – began appearing at home. And TV’s aesthetic is forever changed. Webcam video is the good-enough new-normal, and “Zoom” has become a verb. On Twitter, witty @RoomRater does just that, critiquing screen shots from various shows. On my TV show, TALKERS publisher Michael Harrison predicted that the new generation of TV news/talk sets will resemble “Frasier’s living room,” the at-home look IN-studio, rather than the Lucite desk and garish casino-looking graphics that have been the norm. And shows are saving a bundle NOT-paying as much as a thousand dollars for remote studio time + to Uber guests who may only appear for several minutes. A local station interviewed my state rep sitting in his truck talking into his phone cam.’ It was “authentic.”



Monday Memo: Review Airchecks… Later.

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — The radio coaching concept seems quaint now:

  • The single-station PD (remember them?) met with local talent (remember them?) at regular intervals to review a recent show. As a young DJ, I was fortunate enough to work for two PDs who sat me down weekly.
  • Most important thing I learned? Each bit has a beginning, middle, and end.

Back to the future:

  • Whole-cluster “Brand Managers” have replaced PDs, mostly managing feeds from syndicated and/or voice-tracked talent.
  • For remaining station-based talent, routine critique is unlikely. That manager is just TOO busy, and might lack the chops.
  • The product suffers, from content of questionable interest, and unkempt execution that tests listeners’ patience.



Monday Memo: Save Those Benjamins

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — All this month, my column outlines “Inflation Hacks,” easy ways to cut costs as our listeners (and we) are coping. To catch you up, here are previous installments:

And finally, The Lightning Round…



Monday Memo: Dine with Seinfeld’s Parents?

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — All this month, my column outlines “Inflation Hacks,” easy ways to cut costs as our listeners (and we) are coping. To catch you up, here are previous installments:

Eating-out is in the budget crosshairs



Monday Memo: What’s in a Name?

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — All this month, my column outlines “Inflation Hacks,” easy ways to cut costs as our listeners (and we) are coping. To catch you up, here are the tips described here last week and the week before.

Shop “private labels”

Also known as a “store brand,” they’re simply products manufactured by one company and sold under another’s name.



Monday Memo: Vino, Vodka, Video

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — It’s Tuesday, but the Monday Memo isn’t taking a week off. Inflation is THAT urgent. All this month I’m outlining easy economies you can share with listeners, and use yourself, to cope. In last week’s column: Your Renegotiation Hit List, and 4 Fundamental Frugalities.

When I say “Francis Ford Coppola,” you think “The Godfather,” right?

Have you tried his wines? In Rhode Island where I live, Coppola wines are $12 or $13, sometimes less on end caps.



Monday Memo: Inflation Hacks

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — If you’re old enough for Medicare,* you’ve seen this movie before. In the early 1970s, gasoline – adjusted for inflation – was more expensive; and in the 80s, interest rates hit 20%.

Younger? You feel like you’re witnessing history. Either way, Inflation is changing listeners,’ and advertisers,’ and OUR lives, in almost every way. Rather than joining the blame-game unison, I will be using this column for the entire month of July to offer solutions, dozens of ways you can share on-air, and use yourself.



Monday Memo: Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum-Summertime

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — Quentin Tarantino reportedly listened to 14 hours of 50-year-old KHJ airchecks, to cull excerpts for “Once Upon A Time…in Hollywood,” and rekindle the vibe of 1969 Los Angeles where he grew up. And it sure worked. One of the more memorable clips was the late Robert W. Morgan ad-libbing a spot for Tanya, whose sassy jingle boasted that, “from Malibu to Miami, you’ll tan like you’re in Waikiki.”

Summer officially begins tomorrow, but listeners are already there emotionally

Most were quarantining two summers ago, and many were still in stay-cation mode last year (porch-and-patio guys and landscapers who advertise on my client stations were working overtime then, and are less-busy now). This year, cabin fever collides with pain at the pump and sky-high airfares and inflation generally; and stations that sound all-about-it will be conspicuous.



Monday Memo: Identify ‘Piano Movers’

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — Question for sales reps…and Side-Hustle Alert for talent: What is difficult for most people but comes easy to you?

  • Example: Piano movers. My brother-in-law, an engineer with a 4-digit IQ, moved one from room-to-room at home; and it was an intricate daylong maneuver involving skateboards and cinderblocks that no mere mortal should attempt. Somehow, he and my nephew pulled it off.
  • Example: My dentist sent me to another dentist, in the same building, for a root canal. My guy knows how to do one, and had previously done one for me in a pinch. But that doc upstairs does nothing-but. She has super-microscopic eyewear and other specialty instruments.



Monday Memo: Your Podcast Isn’t a Broadcast

By Holland Cooke


BLOCK ISLAND, RI — Be there or be square. Legacy media are scrambling to follow eyes and ears beyond old towers and deliver the on-demand options users now favor. NBC’s got Peacock; CBS touts its Paramount+ and invites us to watch the rest of “60 Minutes” interviews online; and CNN sure stubbed its toe scrambling to catch-up.
Radio stations archive reruns of on-air shows, though typically little more.
