Industry News

Saga Communications Q4 2022 Revenue Up 3.3%; Full Year 2022 Up 6%

Reporting its operating results for the fourth quarter of 2022 and for the full year, Saga Communications reports net revenue increased 3.3% to $30.1 million for Q4 of 2022, compared to $29.2 million for the same period a year ago. It says net revenue increased 6% to $114.9 million for the full year of 2022 compared to $108.3 million for the full year of 2021. Although net income rose almost 16% to $4.27 million in Q4 of 2022, Saga’s net income dipped 17.5% to $9.2 million for the full year of 2022. The company adds, “Despite strong underlying performance the results were impacted by one-time payments during the 3rd quarter related to the passing in August of our founder Ed Christian. As a result of Ed Christian’s passing, the company was required to make several payments to his estate as outlined in his employment agreement. Without these expenses operating income would have increased 12.3% to $16.9 million, free cash flow would have been approximately flat with last year at $13.6 million and net income would have increased 16.8% to $13 million.”