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MONDAY MEMO: “Tomorrow’s Tech 2025”

By Holland Cooke
imHello from fabulous Las Vegas, where the faded Tropicana is now a heap of rubble holding space for the Las Vegas Athletics stadium; and where SO much else here changes between visits. There is just too much do-re-mi at stake for this place not to continue to strive to surprise and satisfy, and keep ya comin’ back for more… which is also the ballgame for broadcasters and podcasters.


What began 100 years ago as the Radio Manufacturers’ Association evolved into the Consumer Electronics Association, then morphed into the Consumer Technology Association. This week’s event is still called “CES,” but what’s happening here is less about electronics technology things than now we experience our lives.

CES2025 began with its perennial research presentation, the deck you can see at Even without yesterday’s live narration by CTA’s Brian Comiskey and Melissa Harrison, this information is a real whack-on-the-side-of-the-head.Compose, offer, and deliver your work accordingly, or suffer diminishing returns.

As I have in past years, I am offering TALKERS readers daily 60-second CES reports for air all this week. Simply download each report from the night before. No charge, no paperwork, no national spot.
Holland Cooke is a consultant working the intersection of broadcasting and the internet. Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke and connect on LinkedIn