Industry News

Audacy: Human Voices Engender Trust

Audacy reports that according to June 2024 data from its Innovation Tracker, 75% of U.S. adults believe AI can deceive them with false information, raising concerns about authenticity and reliability and that the human voice stands out as a beacon of trust. Audacy says the data reveals that “people are more than twice as likely to trust a human voice (55%) over AI-generated content (23%). This preference also extends toim advertising, where consumers express greater comfort with audio ads crafted by humans compared to those produced by AI. This trust in human voices isn’t just a preference; it’s a critical factor in advertising and content consumption.” Further, the data shows that radio hosts are valued 2.5 times more than social media influencers for delivering news (56% vs. 22%) and twice as much for sports commentary (40% vs. 21%). Similarly, podcast hosts are preferred over social media figures when discussing social issues (43% vs. 34%). Audacy concludes, “These statistics underscore the profound impact of human voices in fostering meaningful connections and reliable information dissemination.”