Walter Sabo
a.k.a. Walter M. Sterling
Host, “Sterling Every Damn Night”
WPHT, Philadelphia
Host, “Sterling On Sunday,” TMN
Thank you, TALKERS for placing me on two panels at the IBSNYC conference. All student conferences have one underlying goal: Attendees want to know how to land a starter job in media. Here’s the information I shared with the eager crowd.
1. Decide where you want to live. Until you have a strong, positive reputation in the industry, no company will sponsor a move. It’s not just the cost of moving, it’s the emotional responsibility. If the job doesn’t work out, the company has lost money plus it will have the added burden of taking the recruit from their homeland.
Hiring a local eliminates the risk of an on-air talent not “getting” the city. If, for example, a DJ in New York announces that the store is on “YOUS TON” street rather than HOUSE-TON street, there is all sorts of trouble. In-town candidates have established relationships that will benefit the sales, news and programming departments.
2. Don’t write a resume, you don’t have one. You have a college degree, stories, and opinions. Fresh, new opinions. A good employer will respect a graduate’s perspective on their on-air product or marketing plans. Study the station where you want to work. Listen to elements you hear that are great and those that you could improve. Write it down. Prepare a good-looking WHITE PAPER about what you think works and what could be better. You don’t have to be “right” you just have to demonstrate an understanding of the station and your willingness to do work. No one else is going to write a paper and present defensible ideas. You will win.
3. Flatter. Select the exact company you want to work for and learn every single thing you can about it. It is astonishing how many times I’ve interviewed a prospect and found out that they knew nothing about the company or the station. They just want a job. Needing a job is not a career path. The people whom you will meet have giant egos. Know what that person has accomplished for their company, express your admiration for it, express your deep desire to be a part of it. Signal that you have no desire to work for any other company in town.
Have your goals lined up in your head and be flexible. Your mission is to get in the door. An employee ID is the win. BUT when asked what you would like to do in your career have a thoughtful response. Aimless=mindless.
4. Avoid answering job postings. Companies are often legally obligated to post jobs and 95% of those jobs are already taken. Instead, search deep into your personal and student network to find any associate or friend who may have a pipeline to the higher-ups in your target company. HR is a bad place to start. Let the CEO of the company send you to HR after they have been impressed by their conversation with you! A courtesy call to HR following the blessings of the CEO – that’s the best strategy.
5. Once you get the job, do anything, learn everything. Tips: Show up 15 minutes before your day starts, don’t leave until you ask your manager if they need you to do anything else. At first, you will be asked to wash the morning show’s dishes! Log recordings! Take in feeds! Respond to listener calls and emails! You will look for ways to showcase your skills and be given a chance to excel. Take your vacation, call in when really sick, but DO NOT take a “personal day.” Yes, that’s how it really works. Welcome to show business.
Walter Sabo has been a C Suite action partner for companies such as SiriusXM, Hearst, Press Broadcasting, Gannett, RKO General and many other leading media outlets. His company HITVIEWS, in 2007, was the first to identify and monetize video influencers. His nightly show “Walter Sterling Every Damn Night” is heard on WPHT, Philadelphia. His syndicated show, “Sterling On Sunday,” from Talk Media Network, airs 10:00 pm-1:00 am ET, and is now in its 10th year of success. He can be reached by email at
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