Industry Views

Monday Memo: Promo Tip

By Holland Cooke

Stations offering – and known for – local news, weather, traffic, and other “survival information” will continue to earn a place in the audio jungle the dashboard has become. So, tell ‘em that you tell ‘em, how and when you are useful. Imaging is an owner’s manual for using the station.


One caution: Often I hear service promos that include example sound bites, short clips of a newscast or weather or traffic report, either lifted from actual airchecks or mock-ups. Be careful that what’s being described in promos (“BIG backup on I-95 South at…”) can’t be misconstrued as current information.

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke and connect on LinkedIn

Industry Views

SABO SEZ: Hunt for Humility

By Walter Sabo
CEO, Sabo Media Action Partners
A.K.A Walter M Sterling
Nightly host, WPHT, Philadelphia
Weekend host, Talk Media Network

imHumility means to be teachable. It’s the most important trait of great leaders and managers. For years I looked forward to focus groups to reveal the top-of-mind awareness of media among listeners. These groups always reminded us of a listener’s life priorities which never included radio listening! They taught us the correct secular language to use in promos and slogans, and what they remembered versus what we wanted them to remember.

Today’s hack for focus groups is Google Search Trends. When starting “Sterling on Sunday” 10 years ago, I was kidded by some lame program directors about the inclusion of John Weatherbe weather forecasts in a national show. Since John passed away, the weather is provided by meteorologist Dr. Dave Eiser. Dr. Dave has had a solid career on TV in Chicago and Phoenix. He gives national forecasts with a curious emphasis on cities where we have large affiliates!

Dr. Dave provides a real service on Sunday nights when not one AM station (other than all-news stations) deliver the most important information: Weather.

Google Trends is a humility machine. It shows real-time facts about what a potential listener cares so much about that they enter it in a Google search – right now! What are you talking about today? How does it compare with weather? Here are results from moments ago:


The results can be filtered for specific cities, time periods, categories of interest. Try it. Seek humility!

Walter Sabo has been a C Suite action partner for companies such as SiriusXM, Hearst, Press Broadcasting, Gannett, RKO General and many other leading media outlets. His company HITVIEWS, in 2007, was the first to identify and monetize video influencers.. His nightly show “Walter Sterling Every Damn Night” is heard on WPHT, Philadelphia. His syndicated show, “Sterling On Sunday,” from Talk Media Network, airs 10:00 pm-1:00 am ET, and is now in its 10th year of success. He can be reached by email at

Industry News

Alex Fife is This Week’s Guest on Harrison Podcast

The nearly century-long relationship between radio and the automobile has been a top of mind industry discussion since a number of car manufacturers ignited worldwide concern over their stated intentions to remove AM radios from the dashboards of new electric vehicles. Is this relegation of AM radio to obsolescence premature? Can FM radios and the expansion of this exclusion to gas powered vehicles be far behind? Alex Fife, VP Southeast operations for iHeartMedia‘s Total Traffic & Weather Network is this week’s guest on the award-winning PodcastOne series, “The Michael Harrison Interview.” Fife, a 25-year veteran of radio’s reporting of news, traffic and weather, joins Harrison in an extensive conversation about the timely issue. Listen to the podcast in its entirety here.

Industry News

Agricultural Organizations Show Support for AM Radio Act

Twenty-five agricultural organizations have written to legislators to declare their support for the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act that would require AM radio be offered in every new vehicle at no extra charge. They say, “Our members rely on AM radio and the vital services it provides daily. AM radio is a source of weather, commodity, and national farm policy updates for our members. Access to radio becomes even more important for America’s producers in times of emergency. For those who work mostly out in the open, often miles from home, response time is critical. Whether a thunderstorm is developing, a tornado is moving closer, or wildfires are spreading, our members need a reliable form of communication to access critical information. AM radio stations are unparalleled in their range. A single AM station can reach up to 700 miles away and travel through barriers like mountains and buildings. When the power goes out, and cell towers go offline, radio is still available. While millions of rural Americans still lack broadband service, rural and agricultural programming through AM radio helps keep rural residents apprised of news that may impact their businesses, health care, education, and family.”

Industry Views

Monday Memo: TV Synergies

By Holland Cooke

imI am always impressed when I see-and-hear radio and TV stations swapping product.

— The most obvious asset is weather. Many radio stations’ forecasts are voiced by local television meteorologists, often gratis because their boss assigned them to, as part of an information alliance. So, the radio station’s weather cred’ stands on the broad shoulders of the weather brand the TV station promotes so relentlessly.

— For some news/talk stations, simulcasting a television newscast is the only way they can air local news in the afternoon. Turn lemons into lemonade. Radio people who love to hate TV audio under-estimate how loyal viewers are; and how conspicuous and convenient this can make the radio station.

— Especially if the deal includes promos – on both stations – voiced by trusted local TV anchors, offering that “If you can’t be home in time to SEE us, you can HEAR us…”

— In every market where we have executed this strategy, the TV talent has remarked about how many compliments they get for being on radio.

— Deal point: During simulcast newscasts, the TV station supers “Heard live on WXXX 8:50 AM.”

How’s THIS for resourceful?  

— A radio station’s afternoon drive newscast consists of a 60-second live shot (or prerecorded live-on-tape) from a local TV newsroom, voiced by the TV anchor who ticks-off “the stories we’re following” that will be seen on evening newscasts.

— The radio station wraps it into a four-minute package, including:

— that live headline package, at the end of which

— the TV anchor hands off to radio’s traffic reporter, then…

— the traffic reporter teases weather into a radio spot, and…

— after the commercial, the weather comes on.

— And here’s the kicker…that live shot from the TV newsroom is a commercial for the TV station! To the listener’s ear, it’s a free newscast from a credible, branded source. Possibly a trade for TV time to advertise the radio station?


Another win-win synergy: Reciprocal excerpting, with attribution 

Translation: Each station gives blanket permission for the other to grab, from the air, whatever it wants, crediting the originating partner.

— There will be times when someone from the radio station is on-scene; or when radio scores a newsworthy interview that TV can use the audio of. More often, thinner-staffed radio will use TV sound more than vice-versa.

— When I programmed WTOP, Washington, WUSA9 let us help ourselves to their newscast audio (“And the mayor told Channel 9…”). Each day, our desk and theirs compared assignments, and we recorded every WUSA newscast.

— True story: The news director from NBC4 came to my office and said, “You can use OUR sound, and you don’t even have to say ‘Channel 4!’ Just STOP saying ‘Channel 9.’”

— It was a flattering offer, but we remained loyal to WUSA, the once-upon-a-time WTOP-TV. Decades later we were still getting mail addressed to “WTOP-TV.” And both stations being CBS affiliates contributed to the lingering impression that we were siblings, so the confusion was actually useful. Does your radio station have a long-lost TV brother? 

Radio takes TV where it otherwise can’t go: in-car

Note how aggressively TV stations are programming their apps and websites. They want to be a news brand, not just a news station.

— A smart TV station should want to give radio a ROSR (Reporter On-Scene Report) during the day (when radio audience is high and TV audience is low), because doing so serves to promote the upcoming evening TV newscast.

— WARNING, based on experience: This can be a tough sell to over-protective TV news directors, who may fret that by going-live on radio they’re alerting other TV stations to the story. Stinkin’ thinkin.’ Other TV stations could show up anyway, and they wouldn’t be as-well-known for covering the story as the TV station that’s also already reporting it on radio.

Local TV news is a hungry critter…

…with a limited budget. Which is why some TV stations toss-live to their radio partner’s host: “Gene, what are your callers saying about the congressman’s abrupt resignation?” Arrangements like this were commonplace even decades ago, when TV had to equip the radio studio with equipment more elaborate than modern day video chat requires.

The calculus is simple

Radio + TV > Radio – TV or TV – Radio

(Radio PLUS television is greater-than Radio MINUS television or television MINUS Radio.)

Even if you’re a music station that doesn’t do much news at all, these opportunities are worth exploring. At least trade spots, because neither station can afford to promote as much as it should.

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. He is the author of “Close Like Crazy: Local Direct Leads, Pitches & Specs That Earned the Benjamins” and “Confidential: Negotiation Checklist for Weekend Talk Radio.” Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke

Industry Views

Pending Business: Head Start

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

imIt’s time to start planning your holiday strategy.

Wait, what? You have not finished Q3 and here I am pushing Q4?

The fourth quarter is easily the most time consuming, thought provoking, overwhelming mish-mash time of the year for every Baby Boomer and Millennial walking the planet. Especially those of us who earn our keep marketing. The transition window from Q3 to Q4 is the perfect time to lock down your plan and that window is about to open.

Let us review priority planning:

If you sell at the national level, your upfronts are in play and gradually moving to the won-lost report as you juggle and balance your daily avails.

If you sell at the local level here are five thought starters, so start thinking:

— Second Opinions. As we review everything from our insurance, financial, legal and medical needs, everyone can use another set of eyes on the prize. Plans change, laws change, life happens. Suggest messaging that works. Start prospecting now.

— Gift Giving. Last year over $200 billion was spent on the holiday season. Will your audience spend more this year than they did last year? Considering online research is a part of daily life, when do the purchase decisions really begin?

— Politics. You don’t need this column to remind you nearly 13 million watched the debate on August 24. Voters are interested in how this tumultuous political scene will ultimately play out. Politics is big business, and nobody covers it better than talk radio. We are in this window through 2024, get focused on where you need to be.

— Holiday Travel. Just this past week, our family get together was impacted by airline delays, rescheduling, and traffic. Travelers will plan earlier and smarter. You may or may not have contacts at the airlines but consider all the businesses that thrive based on travel and tourism.

— Weather. Is there a market that is immune? From hurricanes and wildfires to snowstorms and floods, weather is a factor that can impact your business flow in both a positive and negative way. As we say here in Florida, Be Prepared!

I am guessing you have thought about everything you’ve just read. I never assume the gap from thinking to doing happens. You know what they say about assuming…

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

Pending Business: Package for Profit

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

Is it just me, or has packaging become a lost art?

What was once a go-to revenue builder, has become a function of muscle memory and is presented with the enthusiasm of watching paint dry. Am I getting at least a “maybe?” If so, and you feel like the packaging treadmill is going to wearing you down, let’s regroup. For the manager and ultimately the seller, every package must answer four basic questions:

  • That is the (revenue) goal?
  • What is the timeline?
  • What is the unique factor?
  • If it fails to sell, do we drop it or revise?

Now let’s review the 10 basic packages:

  • New Business. You should have a simple new business package available each quarter that can either be sold as is or serve as a start point.
  • Event Tie-In. Like the title says, this package will help your advertiser benefit from an event your station is tied into or sponsoring.
  • New On-Air Talent. This is where you show the value-based opportunity to work with a new talent in your lineup.
  • Special Programming. Every radio format will run a special program of some kind during the year. From election coverage and exclusive interviews to countdowns, just package and sell.
  • Slow Season. Is there a special package offered on a limited basis to help power through when business hits a red light?
  • Sports. Needs no definition, just a little updated creative thinking.
  • Calendar Holidays. This is the gift that never stops giving. Mother’s Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, come every year. What’s new in your package?
  • Base Programming. News, Traffic, Weather, if your radio station offers the basic service elements, talk to your programming people for new packaging ideas.
  • Emergency Programming. With direct coordination of programming, emergency programming offering special weather, disaster or other community-oriented programming can always open a new door. Remember this type of programming is always a spotlight for radio’s immediacy.
  • Bundling your digital and social media assets can help move the needle with local advertisers. I’m not advocating a giveaway, just suggesting competitive thinking in the fast moving, high growth digital advertising universe.

Back to where we started. This is the simple takeaway: Packaging is the art and science of selling with a value component that easily answers the question, “Why buy now?”

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at: