Job Opportunity

AUN Television Network Seeking Ground Level Entry Executive

Rick Trader, president/CEO of the AUN Television Network informs TALKERS that he is looking to expand his two-year-old ultra-conservative audio and video talk media platform. He’s looking for a sales and management executive (as well as acquiring additional programming). Over the past two years, AUN (American Uncensored Network) – which is billed as a “conservative/faith-based network” – has gained clearance on some 11 TV stations in California and Nevada. Its shows are hosted by an array of well-known commentators as well as up-and-comers. Trader tells TALKERS he “honestly believes AUN is one of the fastest growing TV and streaming networks in the country.” He states, “Now it is time to expand once again. Our goal is to be broadcasting in every major market in the next two years! This is maybe where an ambitious, hard-working manager can become part of this dream. I am looking to develop a management team to make it happen. If a candidate has expertise in managing finances and accounting, recruiting, human resources, overseeing and developing technologies, as well as creating company policy, sales and marketing, then such an individual might be looking for the challenge of a lifetime.” Trader continues, “I am looking to work with conservative/faithful, passionate ideologs like myself who are concerned with the direction our great republic is heading and want to return it to the Judeo-Christian, faith-based patriotic roots our founding fathers created! Here is the catch: all our progress and success has been achieved on a very tight budget! In fact, we cannot offer salaries. What we can offer is incentives for those who produce to be rewarded.” Interested candidates can contact Rick Trader, president/CEO, AUN TV Network at