Industry News

Edison: Most Podcast Listening Happens at Home

Edison Research reveals that, according to data from its ongoing Share of Ear study, the majority of podcast listening does not take place in the car. Edison says, “At-home listening accounts for an impressive 67% of total daily podcast consumption time according to the most recent Share of Ear. Besides the reality thatimg people spend by far the most amount of their time at home, the at-home environment offers a variety of listening devices including smart speakers, internet-connected TVs, and computers, in addition to mobile phones… And we know from our qualitative research that podcast listeners can listen while they multitask at home.” After listening at home, listening at work contributes 16% to the overall daily listening time to podcasts, while in-car listening captures 11% of daily listening time. Edison adds, “We can theorize that because people often take short drives during the day including quick trips to the store, or school, or on errands, that those short trips might not be conducive to becoming fully engaged with a podcast.” Finally, 6% of listening happens in various other locations, such as gyms, grocery stores, or while walking.

Industry News

Nielsen: “Heavy” Podcast Listening Increases

The latest edition of Nielsen’s Podcasting Today audience insights report notes – among other things – that lighter podcast listening (listening less than an hour per week) declined from May 2022 to May 2023im across all demographics, while heavy listening (listening more than 8 hours per week) increased year-over-year. Also from the study: 1) The number of Americans listening to podcasts has increased by 45% in the last five years, and more than doubled in the past decade; 2) the jump in listening while in the car (or on public transportation) is noticeable across all age groups. It is now the most popular location to listen to podcasts among consumers 18-34 and 35-49. Read the full report here.

Industry News

Edison Releases Kids Podcast Listening Report

Edison Research released data from its Kids Podcast Listener Report during a webinar held yesterday (7/27). Some of the key points from the report that looks at podcast listening by kids ages 6-12 include: 1) Forty-six percent of children ages 6-12 in the U.S. have ever listened to a podcast, and 29% of ages 6-12 in the U.S. listened to a podcast in the last month. The percentage of kids ages 6-12 who listened in the last month jumps toim 42% if their parents have also listened to podcasts in the last month; 2) Eighty-seven percent of kid podcast listeners ages 6-12 say they have ever shared something they learned from a podcast with other people; 3) Kid podcast listeners participate in co-listening: Sixty-eight percent of parents of kid monthly podcast listeners ages 6-12 say their children listen with at least one parent, and 54% say their kids listen with siblings; 4) Parents use podcasts to foster family connections: Among parents of kid monthly podcast listeners ages 6-12, 72% say it is important for kids podcasts to be able to be enjoyed by the whole family and 71% say it is important for kids podcasts to give parents and their children topics to discuss together; and 5) Parents of kid monthly podcast listeners ages 6-12 say the top genres among their kids are: games (51%), music (43%), comedy (39%), short stories (39%).

Industry News

iHeartMedia Publishes the State of Podcasting 2023

This report from iHeartMedia looks into determining where the audiences for podcasts are coming from. The company says of the State of Podcasting study: “Aside from reach, time spent listening to podcasts is up 2x in the past five years with the number of Black and Hispanic listeners jumping 30% in the past two years. Weim wanted to see where the listenership was coming from and based on the research it looks like Americans are making more time for podcasts mostly by reducing time spent with streaming video, streaming music and social media. Video podcasts have been a big discussion lately in the industry – whether its needed and cost effective, which is interesting because this new data sample showed that podcasts are pulling listener share primarily from YouTube’s audience – a reasonable motivation for their heightened focus on video podcasting to drive retention.” Interestingly, the study also concluded that the majority of radio listening happens out-of-home (68%), while the majority of podcast listening happens in the home (69%).

Industry News

Edison Research Announces Forthcoming Reports

Edison Research says it will present the results of its “The Black Podcast Listener Report 2.0” – done in partnership with SXM Media and Mindshare during a webinar on Wednesday, February 22 at 2:00 pm ET. Edison says, “Forty-three percent of Black Americans age 18+ are monthly podcast listeners. Findings from the study illuminate how Black Americans consume podcasts, discover podcasts, why they listen, and more. The study is a follow-up to the original Black Podcast Listener Report. Then, on March 2, Edison Research with Amazon Music, Wondery, and ART19 will present “The Infinite Dial 2023.” The research firm says, “‘The Infinite Dial’ is America’s longest-running survey of digital media consumer behavior, tracked annually since 1998. The study provides important benchmark measures around usage and behavior around streaming audio, podcasting, radio, smart audio, social media, and more.”