Salem Executives Oppose Daylight Saving Time Legislation
Salem Media Group chairman of the board Edward Atsinger III and CEO David P. Santrella signed letters to Congressional leaders opposing a bill (H.R. 1279) that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the U.S. The executives point out how a late sunrise – especially in the winter months – would affect the reach of AM signals. They write that their stations “are in jeopardy of suffering a massive blow to their operations through a bill that is before you now. AM radio stations continue to be the backbone of many communities. They serve their audiences with programming features like news updates, traffic/weather reports, sports play-by-play, and talk programs. In some municipalities, AM radio stations also cater to a specific immigrant community, reaching their listeners with a specific foreign language or other programming elements like music or sports.” They go on to say, “H.R. 1279, as it is written, would make Daylight
Saving Time permanent, thus impacting AM radio stations’ power and, therefore, coverage in the crucial morning drive daypart. This issue would be even more detrimental during the darkest days of November, December, January, and February, when AM stations would not be at full power until at least 8:00 am. From a programming and revenue standpoint, the morning drive daypart is still one of the most significant dayparts on an entire radio station. It’s the daypart that generates the most amount of revenue and is a cornerstone for the rest of the programming day. AM radio is facing a multitude of challenges. Radio, in general, faces constant headwinds from an ever-changing media landscape. This challenge might likely be the death blow to many AM radio stations. I am confident you don’t want to see that happen. Simply put, H.R. 1279 would significantly hinder AM broadcasters nationwide from effectively serving the communities they have been licensed to reach.”