One of the highlights of TALKERS 2024: Radio and Beyond – Premiere Networks syndicated star Glenn Beck’s keynote address – is now posted on the brand-new TALKERS MEDIA YouTube channel. The speech took place at the 27th annual installment of the talk media industry’s longest running, and most important national gathering held at Hofstra University on Long Island this past June 7. The event was held at Hofstra’s Lawrence Herbert School of Communication presented by TALKERS in association with the university’s multi-award winning WRHU-FM/WRHU.org. Beck, who spoke for approximately 20 minutes, discussed the importance of storytelling in attracting and maintaining an audience within the multifaceted talk media paradigm. He went beyond that, however, delving into the importance of authenticity on the part of the talent in developing a lasting relationship built on trust with the audience. He was candid about his own personal life struggles over the years coming to that conclusion telling the audience that, although flawed, he tries to be a better person every day and that helps him be a better talk show host. Beck also discussed the negative impact of massive cutbacks on the product provided by radio due to its economic struggles imploring the powers-that-be in the business do whatever is possible to bring this medium into the future. TALKERS founder Michael Harrison stated, “This address was classic Beck – his performance on face value was as instructive as the important messages it conveyed.” To watch the video, please click here.
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