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CES REVIEW: Nuance is Your Brand’s Enemy

By Holland Cooke

imThe sheer volume and velocity of information at CES is intimidating. But in neon-drenched Las Vegas, info-overload is business as usual. So cutting-through the clutter is table stakes. MGM Grand offers “Your Access to Excess.” What does your station or your show or your podcast offer?

CESIn a crowded, well-catered “CES Unveiled” exhibit hall opening night, each booth had only a glance to stop us in our tracks. Think elevator speech on steroids. In one succinct sentence fragment tell me why I want to stop walking to know more. Among examples:

• Switchbot is “The world’s first multitasking household robot.”

• Atmos Gear has “the world’s first electric skates.”

• Sport Neo is “the first online bank dedicated to sports. Swipe for savings, score for your passion.”

• I would’ve strolled right past Xpeng Aeroht if it wasn’t “the world’s only aircraft that can fit into a car’s trunk.”

• The Litheli Easysurge is “redefining the battery-powered lawnmower;” and the affable rep had my attention when he said “100-minute run time,” double what mine does.

• LiquidView digital windows play 8K video, “24-hour views of an expanding global content library.”

• Roam is “like a Sodastream that fits in the palm of your hand.”

If you’re a music station, Christmas is over. If you’re a talk station, he won. What else ya got for me? Podcasting? Who isn’t? Tell me, in less than a sentence, what listening will accomplish for me. No station-centric slogans or other clichés allowed.

As I have in past years, I am offering TALKERS readers daily 60-second CES reports for air all this week. Simply download each report from the night before. No charge, no paperwork, no national spot.

Holland Cooke is a consultant working the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke and connect on LinkedIn