Industry News

Ford Reconsiders – Will Keep AM Radio in 2024 Cars and ’23 EVs

According to a report by the AP, Ford is changing its previously announced policy regarding AM radios. Ford CEO Jim Farley states, “We’ve decided to include it on all 2024 Ford and Lincoln vehicles. For any owners of Ford’s EVs without AM broadcast capability, we’ll offer a software update.” Reacting to Ford’s earlier decision, U.S. lawmakers rolled out a bi-partisan, bi-cameral bill that would authorize the National Highway Trafficim Safety Administration to require AM in new vehicles at no additional cost, citing safety for citizens, access to foreign language programming and more. While Ford’s change of heart takes some of the immediate heat off the industry, there’s no indication legislators won’t continue pushing the legislation. Reacting to the bill, the Alliance for Automotive Innovation called the bill unnecessary and said the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Integrated Public Alerts and Warning System sends public safety messages across numerous platforms including FM radio, streaming sites, satellite radios, and cellular networks. Read the AP story here.