Industry News

Monitor: Talk Radio Rises as a New Battleground for Latino Voters

A piece in the Christian Science Monitor by Simon Montlake takes a deep dive into the battle for Hispanic listeners – and voters – on the nation’s radio waves. The recent sale of Univision’s “Radio Mambi” (WAQI-AM, Miami) to George Soros-backed Latino Media Network and that company’s acquisition of other AM signals in Florida, New York, Illinois, Arizona, California, Texas, and Nevada created a stir and cries of “left-wing censorship” from conservatives. The rhetoric surrounding these deals is part and parcel of the politicized nature of media in the modern world. In the piece, Montlake observes, “The $60 million takeover – and the reactions it has sparked – is another flashpoint in the national battle to win over Latino voters, a fast-growing demographic that has long leaned Democratic but has lately grown more receptive to Republicans. So far, most Spanish-language radio in the U.S. has been focused on music and entertainment, not news or commentary. Which in the eyes of many makes it an untapped and lucrative means of political persuasion.” Read the Monitor story here.