Industry News

Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network Debuts

Premiere Networks announces the launch of The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network with the debut of “The Tudor Dixon Podcast.” Dixon was the 2022 Republican candidate for governor of Michigan. Premiere says, “The new podcast is focused on the important issues that affect the American way of life. From politics to parenting, Dixon – a businesswoman, breast-cancer survivor, and working mom of four girls – will dive deep into a wide variety of topics that touch our lives, while welcoming experts, insiders and headline makers for candid conversations.” Dixon comments, “I’m thrilled to take this leap into the podcasting world and am incredibly grateful to both Clay and Buck for encouraging and supporting me in this new venture. Listeners can expect to hear unique and unabashedly American stories not covered by the corporate media, as well as commentary from expert guests who will get to the truth about the issues impacting you and your family. I look forward to starting this new journey and bringing these stories to the forefront!”