Industry Views

Pending Business: Welcome to 2024

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

imWhat do your New Year’s resolutions look like?

Chances are your resolutions included what I call the old reliable “mores.” Earn more, save more, exercise more, eat more of the healthier foods. Sound familiar? Do you break down the resolutions into daily goals? As in here is what I need to do today to meet my goals and fulfill my resolutions. How about the “less” category? Do you spend any time thinking about what you want to do less often? Let us start with some obvious candidates.

A recent survey by indicated 84% of respondents in marketing and advertising felt stress on the job. Maybe the other 16% had just taken their morning meds. Seriously, can you blame the stressed-out thousands who have spent a career working for companies that stand on the brink of financial peril, delist from the stock exchange, or initiate short-notice personnel cuts? Has anyone in the radio business reading this column ever experienced a fully stress-free experience for over 36 waking hours? If it is not work, maybe it is friends, family, travel issues, or anything else that you simply cannot stop thinking about.

“Less” resolution #1. Less stress on the job, unless you are in the parachute business or an air-traffic controller or emergency room doctor in New York or Chicago, you get where I am going with this.

The same survey showed 72% of respondents work for organizations expecting them to deliver more with less support. The last time I worked for a broadcast company that provided me with my own dedicated assistant, the Cowboys won the Super Bowl in the first ever televised in prime time. Please raise your hand if you are a seller or sales manager with your own dedicated assistant. Anybody? How about in the past 10 years?

“Less” resolution #2. Less is more. The slogan takes on new life in the remote work environment that is a norm for many in the media buyer-seller relationship. Everyone in the chain is being asked to do more, reach increased goals, and perform to a higher standard with less support. You are either on the income money flow line or the expense side. Pick your lane and try your best to deliver measurable results.

Technology is driving change in every corner of the workplace. New strategies and technologies designed to monetize media impressions are part of our culture. Surveys show anywhere from 52-70% of sellers and marketers are challenged with keeping up.

“Less” resolution #3. Prioritize your upskilling. Pick the one area that will allow you to hit your most important “more” goals and master it. Never stop learning, just adjust your learning curve to what works best for you.

Here’s to a more productive and prosperous New Year!

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

Pending Business: Nobody Cut Their Way to the Top

EDITORS NOTE:  In addition to conveying a powerful message, the article below by industry expert, consultant and TALKERS contributor Steve Lapa contains a tremendous limited-time opportunity for the readers of this publication to partake in a free offer to receive a valuable radio sales support tool.  We strongly suggest that readers involved in any way with radio sales read this article and take advantage of Steve Lapa’s offer at the end of the piece.    

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

imRadio station personnel could be facing the worst environment – ever!

Endless bankruptcy headlines. Painful personnel cuts. Soaring retail prices. A number of radio companies are struggling, preparing for the worst and there is no cavalry in sight. No matter where we start sorting through the current tsunami of problems, every solution typically ends up in the same place: more income.

I could never understand why we don’t just cut to the chase. It would be a lot more efficient and a lot less painful if we all agreed on one premise – nobody cut their way to the top. Cost conscious, attention to expense detail and planned expansion is one thing… however destroying motivation, morale, passion and attraction for the radio business is fatal. Yet we continue to repeat the same mistakes. What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different outcome?

Imagine if you invented the medium today. Simple advertiser pitch: reach 83-90% of the US population for a CPM lower than your favorite Starbucks drink. Yet, radio still has the never-ending low man on the electronic media totem pole advertising image. Consider all those direct response advertisers who started on radio and “graduate” to TV. Where were the radio sellers partnered with creators focused on performance? It’s a mess, I know. What does it take to power through a mess like the one we are in now? How do we come out the other side generating income for our companies, our families, and ourselves?

Start by looking in the mirror. Re-commit to getting your skills razor sharp and get your focus laser targeted. If you are a seller, manager or owner, re-educate yourself. If you are on the programming or on-air side, passionate about your content, help your sellers and managers. Time to learn the skills necessary to help your team and yourself at the same time. The radio business is becoming so undervalued and distressed, beaten down by too much debt and not enough disciplined, strategic thinking.

Let me step up. I AM WILLING  to share my 40+ years of proven sales and management performance system with you for FREE. No risk, no exchange of dollars, because if we do not fix the radio problem NOW, we all go down together. Radio companies are preparing for the worst. Stop waiting, stop hoping. Go to and take advantage of my offer to help. Sellers, managers, owners, new-think programmers and talents, time to mount up and join the radio cavalry!

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at: