Industry Views

Pending Business: The 40% Factor

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

imThere is something about 40.

40% of Q1 2023 podcast advertisers did not return for Q1 2024, according to Magellan AI.

40% of small businesses failed within the first three years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

40% of all workers were prepared to quit their jobs two years ago, according to a McKinsey Study. 43% of email professional recipients open email on a mobile device, according to Statista.

44% of sellers quit the pursuit after the second call according to Scripted. Really? Almost half of the sellers reading this column give up after the second call? That statistic must be wrong.

Consider your typical sales day – prioritized, focused, clear goals established, with all seasonal and timely deadlines plugged in and ready for execution. Successful sellers put as much time and focus into planning and organization as they do into the sales process. So, why quit the process after the second attempt? There are only three reasons any experienced sellers would give up after the second attempt.

1. Poor targeting.

2. Unrealistic expectations.

3. A negative business condition requires a new approach.

Reason #3 is the answer to why I listed the 40% factor. Professional sellers and managers sometimes lose touch with the realities of local business conditions. Attrition has always been the enemy of local sales, yet managers and sellers rarely plan for it. Budgeting and analysis are easy paper exercises. Old fashioned ear-to-the-ground market “research” is equally important. Those who learn to balance the formal and the informal find themselves winning the battle of the 40% factor.

As we approach the second half of the year, with elections, seasonal sports, and major holidays ahead of us, time to sharpen our pencils and tweak the projections for the remainder of the year. And always remember your pencil should have an eraser.

Happy Selling!

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

Pending Business: Talk Radio Questionnaire

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

imTime to thank the lawyers in the Donald Trump trial for once again proving beyond any doubt the power of talk radio.

1. Sellers – Get ready for Mother’s Day and Christmas rolled into one.

2. Managers – Prepare a fresh new page in your talk radio media kit.

3. On-air talk radio talent – Don’t throw away that lottery ticket, your number could come in.

4. Media consultants – Hit the brakes on making TV as an automatic first choice for your political campaigns, we’ve got a story for you.

5. Owners – Play your cards right and that talk radio format may have jumped in value.

It has been widely reported that jurors selected for the Donald Trump-Stormy Daniels trial were presented a questionnaire with the following question, “Do you listen to talk radio?” “If so, which programs?” Now wait just a minute all you jury profilers out there or fans of the TV show “Bull.” This is big, but I have a few questions of my own:

1. Why would any lawyer be interested in the radio listening habits of a (potential) juror?

2. Why specify “talk radio?”

3. What’s with the need to know about specific programs?

4. What’s the definition of “listen?” Daily? How long?

Maybe it’s time to recognize just what all this means to great talk radio talent and marketers.

I’m sure by now you have figured out where this goes – influence – as in talk radio hosts, the original influencers.

The very nature of a jury selection questionnaire screening for talk radio listening and specific programs is fascinating. Did an attorney conclude that talk radio shows influenced a potential juror’s feelings, opinions, perceptions (the very currency of talk radio) when it comes to Donald Trump or Stormy Daniels or any other key player on the legal stage?

As every seller knows, talk radio talents were the original influencers and continue to drive sales every day. To the local sellers and managers in the New York DMA pitching Sid Rosenberg, Joe Piscopo, Mark Simone and the other great local talents, imagine experienced legal teams evaluating the influence of their daily shows on potential jurors. Same for the nationally syndicated talent heard in the New York DMA. Talk radio lives and is influencing in the Big Apple!

“Do you listen to talk radio?” “If so, which programs?” that line of questioning should now become part of your daily marketing testimonial. After all, if teams of well-respected lawyers feel talk radio listening can influence the decisions of jurors in one of the most historic cases ever to be tried in our country, imagine what talk radio can do for your advertisers!

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

Pending Business: What Will You Focus on Today?

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

imSimple question, tricky answer. Unless you are organized.

If you are a professional athlete, you are paid to put points on the board or stop the opponent from scoring. Did you ever watch a competitive body builder work in the gym? Some have a journal and a tripod to mount their mobile phones recording technique as they work through their routine, carefully blending form and precision. The professional entertainer? Paid to sell tickets. Professional politicians? Easy, get the most votes.

Professional ad seller? You get paid to close business.

Is the better question, “What business will you close today?” Of course, it is. Wait, most sellers never start every day with the stomach-churning question, “What business will I close today?” Maybe that question is a little too focused. After all it drills down the process to the very measurable result of being organized, skilled, and focused. Just like that high achieving athlete or getting a ticket to that sold-out performance, someone was ready to answer that elegantly simple question, “What will you focus on today?”

Let’s start the process of learning how to better sharpen our focus skills. Suppose we start with an easy how-to, as in how-to prioritize your call activity. Your sales calls will fall into five major categories:

— New Business. The lifeblood, the very oxygen of the radio business. Remember this: radio advertising, when measured honestly (political ads, COVID economics adjusted) is a single digit growth business. Unless you are making developmental calls, attrition, competition, and the wobbles in the economy will overwhelm you. Make the developmental calls a priority.

— Renewals. The most efficient sale you will make is the business you currently have. Work on renewals when timely.

— Service. My experience is this is the number #1 weakness of most radio ad sellers. Learn how to follow-up, check-in and listen without looking for a transaction. It’s about making sure your rapport is healthy and ready.

— Collections. Do you need an explanation? Just be sure of your numbers and documentation before you make the call or send the email.

— Internal. Collaboration with management, programming, production, or biz ops starts here.

Simple enough. Five columns to list, prioritize and budget your daily call activity. Owners and managers who are reading this, help your sellers when they get distracted. What will you focus on today?

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry News

Steve Lapa Launches 3 MINUTE PLANNER™, a Sales Education Tool

Steve Lapa, well-known broadcast management & sales expert and TALKERS contributing columnist, has launched a new website, 3MINUTEPLANNER.COM, which provides an innovative platform designed to simplify sales meeting strategies with easy-to-follow “3 Minute” explainer videos and accompanying downloadable eBooks. This video-based re-education is the first of its kind in the industry, providing managers and sales teams with the resources that support their success.

According to Lapa, The 3 Minute Planner™ is designed to help radio managers and sales teams by providing concise, practical strategies that can be applied immediately. The three-minute videos cover a wide range of topics, from sales strategies to account management and client relationship building. Each video is accompanied by an eBook that expands on the topic, providing additional tips to help sellers and managers improve performance.

Lapa tells TALKERS, “Radio sales is about constant competition and pressure. The 3 Minute Planner™ is designed to provide managers and sales teams with the strategic guidance they need to succeed. Our video-based re-education approach makes it easy for anyone to learn and implement new strategies quickly.”

The package features over 100 topics and strategies, allowing managers and top sellers to tailor the content. Lapa says, “The 3 Minute Planner™ provides a clear, concise format that is easy to follow and apply, making it an ideal tool for busy sales teams who need to make the most of their time.”  Interested radio broadcasters can visit for a free sample.

Steve Lapa will be moderating the sales panel at TALKERS 2023 on Friday, June 2 at Hofstra University.

Industry Views

Pending Business: What’s a Sale?

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

Let’s take a lesson from arguably the greatest college basketball coach of all time: John Wooden.

The coach wanted every UCLA player on the same page, so he took time in meetings to explain the proper way to put on those old school basketball socks. You know, the ones that came up to mid-calf, usually double stripped at the top. There was a clear method to Wooden’s genius. Taking meeting time to show budding superstars like Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Bill Walton something so fundamental achieved several goals.

 — Fundamentals count. There is nothing more basic than how to properly put on your socks and mastering the basics wins.

— Short cut the basics and you will suffer. Having worn those socks through thousands of school yard games myself, rush the process and painful blisters follow.

— Every player starts every practice, every game the same way.

Every year I would conduct one sales meeting asking my team to answer the question, “Can you define a sale?” I know, that’s way too basic for sellers earning six figures. It’s an embarrassing waste of time for the tenured sellers who had proven themselves in the field every day. Was I wasting the time of those newer team members who were looking forward to the highest commission rate in the market?

Try it. Chances are you will get so many different answers your sales team will seem like a Cirque du Soleil act.

There IS a simple, legal definition of a sale. It all starts with an “exchange.” Once you dissect the definition and focus on the dynamics of the “exchange” you will understand how and why a sale is a process that needs constant care.

Most sellers and managers move right past that critical dynamic. You know the one that requires confidence from both the buyer and the seller. That one dynamic, the exchange between confident buyer and seller goes back to 1626 when it was rumored Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island for 60 guilders or $24.

There is something to be said for getting all sellers on the same page by starting with the basics.

John Wooden’s record 11 national championships still stands. I figured if it worked for the greatest college basketball coach of all time, it could work for me. Emphasizing the basics should work for you too!

Enjoy the Madness this March.

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

Pending Business: How Are We Doing?

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

Talkers Magazine - Talk radioHow might we better serve you in the future? How would you rate our service?

These are two common questions you will see on many restaurant info cards as you pay for your meal. After all, the restaurant business is fundamentally based on great food and great service at a reasonable price. Think about this: If either of those two basic components, food (product) and service are missing, you are outta there!

Our radio/audio sales business is based on the same thing: great product and great service at a reasonable price. Yet, why is it you will never find yourself or a manager asking those questions as a part of your regular follow-up or follow-through routine? Oh sure, there is the ever-present pre-sell, “How can we help?” as your advertiser mutters, “lower rates,” under their breath. But seriously, no one above or below your pay grade can process or properly evaluate the answers to the two service questions posed, let alone act intelligently on the response. Could it be we still think our sales and management roles are rooted in show business and if we put on a great show delivering great ratings the advertisers will follow?

Some advertisers will show up, others need to be sold. With Zoom, Teams, programmatic, AI and other initiatives gaining more and more traction, the service improvements in salesmanship is becoming a lost art.

Time to hit the pause button, step back and learn from our friends in one of the oldest business categories on planet earth: hospitality. Let’s learn.

— Ask for feedback as you “serve.” Since my first meeting, my mantra for sellers and sales management was and still is, “How are we doing?” Go back to your winning and losing sales calls. Even managers should review meetings that did or did not move sales and ask, “How can I better serve______?”

— One step at a time. If you could improve just one thing to better serve an advertiser, what would it be? What could it be? Do you even know?

— Do you care? Ouch! Now that is a hard core, in-your-face question. Comfort zones are just so easy to occupy, we rarely push forward.

My real-world experience happened years ago when I asked our advertisers what we could do better to serve them. Many host-read advertisers wanted times sent to them in advance so they could hear the talent in real time. Every one of those advertisers became longterm fans. Do you send your advertisers host-read times in advance? Sometimes, it’s the little improvements that win big dollars when it counts.

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

Pending Business: Your Trial Balloon

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

Talk radio - Talkers MagazineIf you float a trial balloon, expect it to be shot down.

And to make the story driving the news headlines a better metaphor for our sales world, it should be noted that gathering information is always part of our mission. Sellers and managers should be floating trial sales balloons all the time.

Consider how many times we talk to our best advertisers to float an idea, a package, picking up a known talent or play-by-play rights to a popular team. But here is where the news story and our sales world take different forks in the road. Although the woods are full of downed sales balloons, it’s a good thing. Because in our sales world downed trial balloons mean we’re trying new things, communicating with our advertisers and not rocking along in the comfort zone. It also means some of these trial balloons make it to reality and become innovative ideas and viable sales opportunities.

I have certainly floated my share. There is a strategy behind floating a trial sales balloon to help you get the result you need. How do you improve the odds of a trial balloon becoming a sales reality? Here are some field tested tips:

— Determine your goals before you start. It’s so important to know what you’re looking for. Pricing input? Viability? Excitement? Sometimes sellers are so excited they misread the advertiser’s enthusiasm level. The reverse is also true. Sellers can be lukewarm as they focus on the transaction ahead instead of the first stage advertiser input.

— Ask permission. This is very important yet most sellers and managers never think about the advertiser reaction. What if they just don’t want to be surveyed? Always ask first.

— Confirm the confidence. Be sure everyone in your loop understands the trust you show in seeking their input.

— Keep your “ask” simple. You are asking for input. The simpler the ask, the cleaner the input.

— No commitments. Be clear the conversation you are having is early-stage preliminary to test the waters only. You are not even close to asking for a commitment, just sharing ideas and looking for input.

— Who wants to know? Be ready with the right answer.

Sellers and managers have been in the trial balloon business since the first ad was sold. Be sure to review your pre-flight check list before launching that next trial balloon.

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:

Industry Views

When Crisis Strikes

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

Can you define “crisis?”

Let’s start with “highly challenging,” move to “difficult,” layer in “nonstop pressure” and quickly fast forward to “intense circumstances.”

This is just from the outside looking in. From the inside looking out the crisis owns the clock and the emotions of its victims. Nothing else matters until the crisis is resolved.

Chances are your sales meetings have never addressed how to work with a local advertiser who is experiencing a marketing crisis. And that is because most managers have minimal experience working through a local advertiser’s marketing crisis.

Large-scale businesses typically coordinate consulting firms, experts, and major ad agencies. Think Tylenol, Chipotle, even VW. But chances are your local direct advertiser may not have the time to coordinate a full-blown crisis management team and responding to their call is now in your in box.

Recently, I found myself knee-deep in executing a plan to help manage a large-scale crisis. The experience was an eye-opener. Hopefully, you can learn from what is next. Here are suggested steps:

— Communication is critical. Listen carefully, be empathetic, clarify all goals that may be hazy and finally get a clear understanding of any timelines.

— Collaborate. Be clear with everyone on your team about the situation. Review internal protocols for copy, production, available inventory, and pricing.

— Long-Term vs. Short-Term. When an advertiser needs to get the word out quickly and efficiently, the temptation to raise rates or forced packaging is real. It is guaranteed that your advertiser will remember the team that grabbed an oar to help guide them to a safe harbor as opposed to the team that grabbed a hammer to nail the budget to the wall.

— Coordinate. Stay in contact with your advertiser. Remember, the crisis owns the clock and your client is focused on solving the crisis, so common sense counts.

— When in doubt take the simple route. If copy is a problem, suggest options. If credit is a problem, suggest a plan. If a talent balks, come up with a back-up. In a crisis, hurdles become mountains and climbing mountains takes months of training. Keep the solution path simple and easy to navigate.

— This too shall pass. Your goal in any local marketing crisis should be to become an ally, a trusted, dependable resource so that when the crisis passes your relationship is cemented.

Take a minute to review and expand on those six take-aways. Selling in a crisis environment is rarely a simple experience. Hopefully, you will be a little better prepared when a marketing crisis strikes.

Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:


Pending Business: The ‘Who Cares?’ Test

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp


PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Time to sharpen up, drill down and pass the “Who Cares?” test. This is where we take a hard look at how you present your on-air talent for host reads.

If you are like most sellers or managers, you look for a comfortable rhythm in your proposals that works for your style and now fits the cut and paste culture. There is nothing wrong with time-saving technique — except when the shortcuts take you to an outdated comfort zone. In radio sales we all get hypnotized by what worked for years. After all, we are creatures of habit and why mess with past success? It’s a challenging but important part of radio sales strategy.


Front Page News Industry News

Monday, July 11, 2022

Pending Business: Stop the Whining! Radio sales pro Steve Lapa writes in today’s column that, unfortunately, throughout his marketing work – from major market managers to top-tier sellers – “whining seems to be in vogue and contagious.” He adds, “In my recent experience, whining as a sales strategy typically surfaced somewhere in the process of negotiating, when sellers and/or managers lose focus of the win-win goal and rely on emotional triggers.” Read his column here.

Monday Memo: What’s in a Name? Consultant Holland Cooke continues his month-long series “Inflation Hacks, tips for saving your listeners (and yourself) some do-re-mi.” This week’s column unlocks savings by deciphering “Best by…” and “Use by…” and “Expires…” labels. And ARE those lower-cost store brands really name brands in disguise? Read it here.

Jane Matenaer Exits WTMJ, Milwaukee. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that WTMJ-AM, Milwaukee air personality Jane Matenaer exited the station after her last program on Friday (7/8). Matenaer had been a presence on the Milwaukee airwaves since 1984. She served with hot AC WMYX-FM for 25 years, later WLDB-FM, and joined WTMJ in 2015 as co-host of the morning show with Gene Mueller, who retired from the station in February. Matenaer told WTMJ morning host Vince Vitrano that she was grateful that Good Karma Brands allowed her to say good-bye on the air. Matenaer, 62, says she’s not retiring but is exploring some options to remain in the media business.

WHAM, Rochester Celebrates 100th Anniversary. Heritage Rochester news/talk WHAM-AM celebrates its 100th anniversary on air today (7/11). The iHeartMedia station debuted on July 11, 1922, under the call letters WHQ. In honor of the station’s anniversary, Rochester Mayor Malik Evans is declaring July 11, 2022, as “NewsRadio WHAM 1180 Day” in Rochester. In addition, News Radio WHAM 1180 will continue to celebrate its anniversary on its podcast “WHAM @ 100: An Oral History,” a weekly podcast hosted by Joe Lomonaco that features rare and never before heard archive recordings, new interviews with former, and current, WHAM staff, and stories about what WHAM means to the community it continues to serve. iHeartMedia Upstate New York president Robert J Morgan comments, “NewsRadio WHAM 1180 has been a friend and source of information to generations. With nearly 1,000,000 newscasts and even more conversations over the past 100 years, this iconic station has stood side-by-side with our listeners in good and bad times. Always present, always relevant, and always trusted.”

‘In the Garage’ Program Celebrates One Year on Air. Pictured above is WRVA, Richmond afternoon drive host Jeff Katz (right) with local mechanic Stan Andrewski (left) as they celebrate the first anniversary of their WRVA Saturday morning car show, “In the Garage.” Katz tells TALKERS magazine, “We grew up loving Click and Clack [Tom and Ray Magliozzi, hosts of the legendary NPR program “Car Talk”] and we hope that we’re continuing to fulfill the community’s need for honest car repair advice. No bakery would make a cake in the shape of a transmission to celebrate the one year anniversary of ‘In The Garage With Stan & Jeff’ so Stan and I just enjoyed some Boston creams from Dunkin’ while hoisting a few iced coffees to salute The Tappet Brothers and get rolling into year number two in the garage.”

TALKERS News Notes. This week’s Westwood One Audio Active Group blog summarizes the Audio Today 2022: How America Listens report that Nielsen prepared for its clients. Among the findings were: AM/FM radio has mass reach among Americans 18+, adults 35-49, and even Millennials 18-34. On a monthly basis, AM/FM radio reaches 93% of adults 18+, more than live + time-shifted TV (90%), smartphones (86%), TV-connected devices (81%), PCs (76%), and tablets (46%); AM/FM radio has massive monthly reach among African American and Hispanic audiences: AM/FM radio has substantial monthly reach among African American Millennials 18-34 (88%) and African Americans 35-49 (92%). Similarly, among Hispanic audiences both 18-34 (93%) and 35-49 (98%), AM/FM radio’s monthly reach beats all other media and device platforms; and AM/FM radio is “the center of the total audio universe” with an audience that is 16 times bigger than those who only listen to digital audio and satellite radio.  Find out more here…..Syndicated Solutions, Inc’s national travel radio show “RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa” has surpassed another affiliation milestone and is now heard on 490 radio stations across the US each week. The program is broadcast live on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and also offers a daily, 60-second travel commentary feature.

January 6 Hearings, Musk & Twitter, The Economy, Midterms/2024, Japan Elections, Russia-Ukraine War, COVID-19, Uber Woes, and China Protest Among Top News/Talk Stories Over the Weekend. The continuing January 6 Committee hearings including Steve Bannon’s agreement to testify; Elon Musk’s backing out of the Twitter acquisition and the legal issues surrounding it; the high price of gasoline & food, the activity on the world’s financial markets, and concerns about a recession; the November midterm elections and potential presidential candidates in 2024; Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party wins upper house elections in Japan in the aftermath of his assassination; Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine and its effect on the world’s economy; the contagious BA.5 subvariant’s spread across the U.S.; Uber’s corporate tactics are revealed in a data leak; and Chinese authorities brutally crack down on protestors unable to withdraw their savings from local banks were some of the most-talked-about stories on news/talk radio over the weekend, according to ongoing research from TALKERS magazine.


Pending Business: Stop the Whining!

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp


PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Can we please stop the whining!

Have you noticed that annoying trait creeping up more often in your daily routine? From hospitals to hospitality, airlines to air conditioning repair, understaffed businesses are short-handed, resulting in unproductive pushback.



Pending Business: Local Host vs Facebook

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp


PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — What is with the plethora of bar graphs showing us what we already know? Do we really need another thermometer “Why listeners consume radio/audio” graph?

I guess we do need another study for the tidbit that is the premise behind hundreds of thousands of daily newscasts. This all started with a caveman pounding out the news on a log, then discovering fire, realized smoke signals attracted a bigger audience and the concept of results from a newscast was established. Maybe some of us are still at the campfire, or still selling like it.


Front Page News Industry News

Monday, May 16, 2022

Pending Business: You Only Know What You Know. Radio sales pro Steve Lapa writes in today’s column that sellers and managers who’ve worked at just one station or in one market their entire careers can find their knowledge of innovation in the industry limited, and causes him to ask, “How do you learn new sales concepts and grow past what you know?” Read more here.


Monday Memo: Repeat After Me. Who ARE you, for listeners’ purpose?” consultant Holland Cooke asks in this week’s column, which reminds that “we need to remind, remind, remind.” Read his column here.


iHeartMedia’s BIN Partners with CareerBuilder for Jobs Initiative. A new relationship between iHeartMedia’s BIN: Black Information Network and , the first and only 24/7 national and local all-news audio service with a Black voice and perspective, and global talent acquisition and job marketplace platform CareerBuilder, are joining forces to launch “100,000 Careers,” a career initiative platform that aims to connect employers who are seeking a highly qualified and diverse workforce with Black American job seekers who are looking to advance to higher levels or start a career. A press release states that the mission of the “100,000 Careers” initiative is to help people in the Black community find a job and build the career of their dreams. The platform includes tools to help candidates get started, such as job listings, easy resume building, and custom content designed to help Black listeners identify their transferrable skills and discover new careers. The 100,000 Careers platform will be a one-stop-shop for connecting employers with Black American career-seekers looking to advance. Tony Coles, division president for iHeartMedia Multiplatform Group and president for BIN: Black Information Network, says, “One of our highest priorities has been to call attention to the disproportionate income and unemployment gaps the Black community faces. That’s why we are thrilled that our partners at CareerBuilder have joined us in this effort to help 100,000 listeners not only find work, but to help them leverage their transferrable skills to build careers.”


Buffalo Mass Shooting/Houston & SoCal Shootings/Gun Control, Abortion Rights, the Economy, Midterms/Trump & the GOP, Russia-Ukraine War, COVID-19, and Elon Musk & Twitter Among Top News/Talk Stories Over the Weekend. Deadly shootings that took the lives of 10 in Buffalo, one in California, and two in Houston; reactions to the leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s expected ruling that would overturn Roe v Wade; the high price of gas & food, supply chain issues, and fears of a recession; the primary races for the November midterm elections and Donald Trump’s influence over the GOP; the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war; the Omicron variants keeping COVID-19 present in the U.S. and China’s zero-COVID actions; and Elon Musk’s bid to acquire Twitter is put on hold among top news/talk stories over the weekend, according to ongoing research from TALKERS magazine.


Pending Business: A New Year’s Lesson

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp


PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — I particularly enjoy this time of year because it’s when I usually reconnect with former associates all around the country. Sellers, managers, and on-air talent from South Florida to San Francisco who share the bond of having worked through one of the most challenging years in broadcast history checked-in with me. Those calls, texts and emails always include one “wow” moment that serves as a life lesson for all of us. Here’s one in particular that can serve as a motivator for all heading into the New Year.
