Industry News

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Harrison Talks to John Catsimatidis about WABC, New York Cancelling Rudy Giuliani’s Talk Show

Red Apple Media Group chief John Catsimatidis suspended Rudy Giuliani from his daily 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm talk show that’s been airing on WABC for several years. The New York Times, quotes Catsimatidis saying, “We’re not going to talk about fallacies of the November 2020 election. We warned him once. We warned him twice. And I get a text from him last night, and I get a text from him this morning that he refuses not to talk about it. So, he left me no option. I suspended him.” But there were more concerns on Catsimatidis’ part. Giuliani was found liable forim defaming two Georgia election workers, and they were accusing him of make new false accusations against them. The Times reports that in a memo from Catsimatidis to Giuliani he told Giuliani that they’ve been monitoring his show for comments about the election and that “radio operators had ‘worked diligently’ to excise content that might run afoul of defamation laws.” He also wrote, “You are once again stating that there was fraud. You may not do so on our airwaves.” Clearly, Catsimatidis was concerned about being involved in actionable language on Giuliani’s part. Giuliani spoke publicly over the weekend about being terminated and said he’s been imtalking about the 2020 election for three years and was never made aware that election talk was off limits. In The New York Times story Giuliani states that WABC’s policies on this topic are “a clear violation of free speech” to which TALKERS founder Michael Harrison comments, “As a lawyer, former attorneyim general and former mayor, Giuliani should know better than to muddy the waters about ‘free speech’ by citing it and distorting it for his own defense in this manner. The letter of the law regarding the First Amendment protects the rights and responsibilities of Catsimatidis as the licensee and platform owner in this situation. And as far as the spirit of the law as indicated by the general term ‘free speech’ is concerned, the understanding between these two men as to what Giuliani can discuss on WABC is completely subjective and ultimately based on what the licensee determines at any given moment to be in the best interest of the platform, its listeners and most importantly, the truth.” Listen to Michael Harrison and John Catsimatidis discussing the situation this morning by clicking here.

Industry News

Jeff Crouere Rises to President and GM at WGSO, New Orleans

Talk host Jeff Crouere rises to the president and general manager position at non-profit Northshore Radio LLC’s WGSO-AM, New Orleans. Crouere has hosted his “Ringside Politics” program on theim station for the past 17 years. He says, “This is truly a dream come true for me. We have recruited a new board of directors who are committed to work with us to make the station even stronger. WGSO Radio will continue to be independent, committed to free speech and opposed to censorship in any form. While our focus will always be the New Orleans area, we are proud to welcome listeners from around the country… Our station is an important part of our community and will continue to serve our region for many years to come. I look forward to serving in these new roles to ensure a bright future for WGSO Radio.” Crouere’s “Ringside Politics” will continue to air on the station from 7:00 am to 9:00 am and from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.