Industry News

TALKERS Editor Reports from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


TALKERS vice president and executive editor Kevin Casey recently made a trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. He says that in addition to the expected music memorabilia – guitars, clothing, and ephemera – there was an exhibit that told the story of radio’s crucial role in the rock and roll explosion of the 1950s and early 1960s. Another exhibit revealed the backlash against rock music from religious and conservative factions in the U.S. Casey is pictured above by an image of his musical hero Frank Zappa testifying before a congressional committee that was exploring mandatory labeling of records with “dirty” words. Casey muses, “It’s interesting to note that ‘culture warriors’ have always existed. Today, people assume they are Republicans, but in 1985 they were ‘bi-partisan’ on the matter of rock lyrics and led by Democratic U.S. Senator Al Gore’s then-wife, Tipper Gore. There was no legislation necessary because, sadly, the record industry caved to the pressure.”