Industry News

Edison: Reaching Potential Voters with Audio Ads

According to data from Edison Research’s ongoing Share of Ear study, reaching potential voters with campaign ads should include spending on audio because “fully 84% of the voting-age public is reached by ad-supported audio daily.” Where to spend depends on which potential voters campaigns are trying toim reach. “Republicans listen to more AM/FM radio than other groups, with an index of 109 (or 9% more listening than average). The ad-supported spoken-word channels on SiriusXM are a particularly efficient place to find Republicans, with an index of 146. Meanwhile, podcasts stand out as the more efficient platform for reaching Democrats, indexing at 121. And what about those elusive Independents, who often tip an election? Both streaming music, and in particular music videos on YouTube, over-deliver for these potential voters, with indexes of 103 and 123 respectively.” Edison adds, “Regardless of the party that buyers are trying to reach with political ads, audio stands out as a superior pathway to reaching voters. Audio provides enormous audiences and often a far less cluttered political environment than other ad channels.”