Pictured above at the Salem Media Group studios in Washington, DC are (from l-r): Family Research Council president (and program host) Tony Perkins, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), and Salem Radio Network v.p./news and talk programming (and program executive producer) Tom Tradup. Early this morning, they taped the first edition of the new, hour-long weekly news program, “This Week on the Hill,” that premieres this weekend on the Salem Radio Network with additional releases on the Salem News Channel, Salem Podcast Network and on TOWNHALL.com. Topics covered this weekend include Johnson’s invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “motion to vacate” the Speaker’s position, the battle over reauthorization of the FISA program, and the latest controversy over abortion laws in America. Tradup states, “We are so proud to have Speaker Johnson as the centerpiece of our ‘This Week’ program. He brings a depth of experience that delves beyond the surface skirmishes in Congress and really gives our audience eye-level insight that only a man two-heartbeats from the presidency can offer.”
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