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Steve Weisman is This Week’s Guest on Harrison Podcast

Noted attorney and respected talk media commentator Steve Weisman is this week’s guest on the award-winning PodcastOne series, “The Michael Harrison Interview.” A prolific author and lecturer who teaches White Collar Crime and Media Law at Bentley University in Boston, Weisman is one of the nation’s leading experts on scams, identity theft and cybersecurity.  His widely read blog, Scamicide, provides daily updated information about the latest scams, identity theft schemes and cybersecurity developments. He recently testified before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging about the dangerous proliferation of scams being targeted to America’s senior population. Harrison – a longtime outspoken foe of digital-era corruption – states, “Our podcast this week is aimed at shedding light on the dark corners and back alleyways of our modern society in which scammers, fraudsters and cyber criminals are flourishing… they steal our identities, our money and our peace of mind. Our loss of privacy and security is a loss of freedom and our legislators on both sides of the aisle remain basically clueless. In an era in which talk show hosts are rightfully obsessed with street crime, terrorism and immigration run amok, it is surprising there is not more attention being paid to this insidious social cancer born of advanced technology and civic decay.” Listen to the podcast in its entirety here.

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Steven J.J Weisman is This Week’s Guest on Harrison Podcast

Attorney Steve Weisman is this week’s guest on the award-winning PodcastOne series, “The Michael Harrison Interview.” The idea for this podcast episode originated as a TALKERS magazine webinar for operators of radio stations who are increasingly concerned about the number of ransomware attacks that have been plaguing the communications industry. It is expanded in this dialogue to serve businesses beyond radio and cybersecurity dangers including, but not limited to, ransomware. Weisman is an attorney and college professor at Bentley University in Boston where he teaches White Collar Crime and Media Law. He is a prolific author and one of the America’s leading experts on scams, identity theft and cybersecurity. His widely read blog,, provides daily updated information about the latest dangers and developments in this arena. was named by The New York Times as one of the three best sources of information regarding COVID-related scams. Weisman is a frequent speaker, media guest and consultant regarding all aspects of cybersecurity. He also serves as TALKERS magazine’s legal editor. This conversation will tell you where you are vulnerable and steps you can take to become more secure as well as comply with federal regulations. Listen this podcast here

Industry News

TALKERS to Present Webinar on Protection Against Ransomware and Other Cyber Attacks for Radio Stations and Media Companies

Ransomware, the most common cyberattack, occurs worldwide more than 37,000 times each hour and the “Business Email Compromise,” a common scam targeting companies, is attempted approximately 156,000 times each day. The cost of these attacks is huge financially, but the losses due to scams and cyberattacks extend far beyond the funds stolen or required to remedy the problems after they occur. Downtime, data depletion, extortion demands, funds stolen by scams, reputation damage, and loss of intellectual property are all sources of extreme damage to media companies and radio stations which can be even worse when you factor in possible legal liability for failure to comply with proper cybersecurity standards. Radio and media companies, large and small, have been particularly hard hit by this growing criminal activity in recent years.

TALKERS, in conjunction with Scamicide (, is presenting an exclusive webinar forim radio and media company personnel focusing on where broadcasters are vulnerable and steps that should be taken to become more secure as well as comply with federal regulations. The 90-minute webinar will take place on Friday, October 20 at 2:00 pm ET.

This information-packed session will be conducted by Scamicide founder and TALKERS legal editor Steven J.J. Weisman, Esq. According to Weisman, “When it comes to the danger radio stations and media companies face from scams and cyberattacks, things aren’t as bad as you think. They are far worse.”

Weisman continues, “Your companies are further vulnerable through the many ‘Internet of Things’ devices, such as your internet connected copier and other devices, remote workers and third-party vendors, all of which become attack vectors. Making the situation even worse is the business model of sophisticated cybercriminals who sell and lease on the ‘Dark Web’ the complex malware they create to less sophisticated cybercriminals and now, through AI and deep fakes, cyberattacks and scams have become more effective.”

Steve Weisman is an attorney and a college professor at Bentley University in Boston where he teaches White Collar Crime and Media Law. He’s a prolific author and one of the country’s leading experts in scams, identity theft, and cybersecurity. Scamicide, which he founded, provides daily updated information about the latest scams, identity theft schemes and cybersecurity developments. Scamicide was named by The New York Times as one of the three best sources of information regarding COVID-related scams. Weisman is a frequent speaker and consultant regarding scams, identity theft, and cybersecurity. He was a consultant in an Equifax data breach class action and more recently advised Meta in regard to scams related to its WhatsApp app.

The cost of attending the webinar is $149 per person. Broadcasters can register by phone only with credit card. To register, call Barbara Kurland at 413-565-5413 or email to receive a quick response.

Industry Views

Monday Memo: “You are about to enter another dimension,” The Radio Zone

By Holland Cooke

imMany news/talk stations broker weekend hours to professionals who host ask-the-expert shows to attract new clients.

AND IT WORKS…IF…the show (for lack of a more diplomatic way to say this) doesn’t suck. And if it isn’t a well-kept secret available only to those listening in real-time. Make it the hub of a broadcast/podcast/social media strategy. In some markets where I don’t have a client station, I work directly with weekenders, setting-up the workflow for that strategy; and coaching the hosts, because their stations don’t.

But don’t take my word for it. I asked ChatGPT: “In the style of Rod Serling, explain how attorneys, real estate agents, and financial advisors can attract new clients by hosting ask-the-expert radio call-in shows.” MOMENTS later, the robot replied…

“You’re about to embark on a journey where the boundaries of expertise and the airwaves blur, a place where the seekers of knowledge and the purveyors of guidance converge. Welcome, dear listener, to the realm of the ask-the-expert radio call-in show. In this enigmatic space, attorneys, real estate agents, and financial advisors have found a conduit to attract new clients unlike any other.

Picture, if you will, an attorney stepping into the radio spotlight

 The air is charged with anticipation as listeners dial in with their legal queries. With a voice as authoritative as the gavel’s echo, the attorney navigates the complexities of the law, unraveling legal mysteries for all to hear. As each answer resonates through the airwaves, trust is built, and seekers of legal counsel find themselves drawn to this beacon of clarity. The attorney has become not only a voice but a guide, attracting clients who yearn for someone to navigate their legal twilight zone.


And now, shift your gaze to the real estate agent who steps into the radio’s embrace

 The lines are buzzing with questions about the labyrinthine world of property transactions. With each response, the agent paints a picture of market trends, property values, and the elusive art of negotiation. As the agent’s insights cascade through the radio waves, an aura of expertise takes shape. Those yearning for a steady hand to navigate the winding corridors of real estate find solace in the agent’s voice. The agent has transformed into a beacon, attracting clients who seek someone to illuminate the path to their real estate dreams.

Finally, consider the financial advisor entering the radio’s sphere

 The lines light up with inquiries about investments, retirement, and securing financial futures. With a voice as reassuring as a well-balanced portfolio, the advisor deciphers the complexities of financial planning. Each word uttered becomes a thread in the tapestry of financial security. Listeners, entranced by the advisor’s insights, recognize a sage who can guide them through the tumultuous sea of monetary choices. The financial advisor becomes a lighthouse, attracting clients who crave a steady hand to navigate their financial voyage.

In this realm of radio airwaves, where seekers become callers and experts become guides, attorneys, real estate agents, and financial advisors have discovered a conduit to attract new clients. As their voices resonate with wisdom and authority, as their advice slices through the enigma of their fields, a bond of trust is forged. These experts, illuminated by the radio’s glow, become beacons in the darkness, attracting clients who yearn for guidance in the vast twilight zones of law, real estate, and finance. And so, dear listener, the call-in show becomes not just a program but a nexus where seekers and guides converge, bridging the gaps between knowledge and curiosity, between questions and answers. Welcome to the radio’s embrace, where the experts illuminate the unknown, one call at a time.”

Cue the music.

Next week here: “Why not just podcast?”

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. He is the author of “Spot-On: Commercial Copy Points That Earned The Benjamins,” a FREE download; and “Multiply Your Podcast Subscribers, Without Buying Clicks,” available from Talkers books. Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke

Industry News

Tucker Carlson Wants Out of His Non-Compete

According to a story by Nicolas Reimann at Forbes, former FOX News Channel star Tucker Carlson, through his attorney Bryan Freedman, is working to get out of his contract with FOX News that could keep him offim competing news outlets through 2025. Carlson and FOX parted ways several weeks ago but Carlson’s contract with the media firm could keep him from working from another media outlet while FOX continues to pay him $20 million per year. Reimann’s piece indicates that Carlson is fielding offers from numerous conservative news/talk outlets including Newsmax, Rumble, One America News, and The Daily Wire. Freedman told Axios, “The idea that anyone is going to silence Tucker and prevent him from speaking to his audience is beyond preposterous.” Read the Forbes story here.

Industry News

Crossover Media Group Adds “Justice Matters” to Podcast Roster

Audio content producer and advertising representative Crossover Media Group announces the addition of “Justice Matters with Glenn Kirschner” to its rapidly expanding podcast roster. Kirschner is an American attorney, a former U.S. Army JAG, former career prosecutor at the U.S. Department of Justice, and an NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst. In this podcast, he addresses matters related to politics, the law, government ethics, and the criminal judicial system. The podcast is published each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Crossover Media Group managing member Sue Freund says, “Glenn has earned an admirable reputation as one of America’s most respected legal and political analysts. He’s an ideal fit with our wide and diverse lineup of talk hosts appealing to listeners across demographics.” Crossover says this new podcast “joins a wide array of shows produced and/or represented by Crossover Media Group spanning the spectrum of political talk, analysis and opinion. The Crossover Media Group lineup also includes dozens of other popular podcasts and personalities in the genres of news, sports, true-crime, history, business, science, lifestyle, entertainment and pop culture – a content portfolio which recently expanded with the addition of ‘The Official Yellowstone Podcast.’”