Industry News

Audacy Releases Company Social Impact Report

Audacy shares its latest “Social Impact Report, Supporting Sound Communities,” that reveals the company’s “powerful impact story across our 6 pillars of Audacy Serves.” The company says, “This year, we showcase ‘I’m Listening’ as our flagship social impact program dedicated to more mental health conversations. Brands – and media in particular – have an incredible opportunity to impact our lives and communities. Audacy leans into its strength – Audio – to build connection with our listeners. We support their well-being by sharing stories of mental health experiences. This authentic storytelling is the heart of our business and helps improve health outcomes too!  That’s why the content we create for ‘I’m Listening’ features artists, athletes, and celebrities sharing their mental health experiences – we are living our belief, ‘Talk Saves Lives… We’ve raised more than $1.5 million for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; hosted a national mental health conversation with experts and listeners – all living our belief, Talk Saves Lives.” You can see the complete report here.