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Monday Memo: Even a Robot Knows!

By Holland Cooke

I asked ChatGPT, “What IS ChatGPT?”

Instant reply: “ChatGPT is a pre-trained language model developed by OpenAI. It uses advanced natural language processing techniques to generate human-like text responses to questions and prompts, based on patterns it learned from a massive amount of text data. It is designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, including answering questions, generating creative writing, and translating text between languages. ChatGPT is built using the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which has been state-of-the-art in many NLP tasks.”

If ever there was an elevator speech that sounded robotic, that’s it. But pick almost any other topic, and – quicker than you’re expecting, ChatGPT scours the Internet – and most of what it spits-back can seem eerily conversational. Including my question about conversation itself: “What DJ or talk show host habits do listeners find most annoying?” Mere moments later…

“Here are some habits that listeners may find annoying in DJs or talk show hosts:

— Interrupting guests or co-hosts: Listening to a conversation that is constantly being cut off can be frustrating for listeners.

— Talking over music: A DJ who talks over the music can detract from the listening experience for music lovers.

— Shouting or excessive enthusiasm: An over-the-top delivery style can come across as insincere or artificial to listeners.

— Unnecessary repetition: Repeating the same jokes, phrases, or segments repeatedly can quickly become tiresome for listeners.

— Lack of preparation: A lack of research or preparation can lead to awkward silences, missed opportunities, or inaccurate information.

— Poor phone manners: Rude or abrupt treatment of callers can be off-putting to listeners and impact the overall tone of the show.

— Ignoring listener feedback: Failing to respond to listener feedback or questions can make listeners feel unvalued and disengaged.

— Being too political: Focusing exclusively on political topics or taking a one-sided approach can alienate listeners with differing opinions.

— Playing too many commercials: Excessive commercial breaks can make the listening experience feel repetitive or disjointed.”

With most AM/FM broadcast hours now automated, syndicated, and voice-tracked, even a robot knows what it takes to keep our fellow humans from wandering-off to less-cluttered music streams and greater topical variety that podcasts offer.

Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. He is the author of “Multiply Your Podcast Subscribers, Without Buying Clicks,” available from Talkers books; and “Spot-On: Commercial Copy Points That Earned The Benjamins,” a FREE download; and the E-book and FREE on-air radio features Inflation Hacks: Save Those Benjamins.” Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke