Industry News

Hillsdale College Student Wins First Place Honors at IBSNYC 2025

Among the winners of the college awards given out at the IBSNYC 2025 conference last weekend (of which TALKERS was a participating sponsor), was Hillsdale College junior Emily Schutte. She takesimg home first place for Best Newscast.  in the annual Intercollegiate Broadcasting System College Media Awards. Winners were announced on March 8 in New York City. WRFH/Radio Free Hillsdale 101.7 FM general manager Scot Bertram says, “I’m proud of Emily and all of our WRFH students for their work. There were thousands of submissions from college stations across the country, and it is exciting to see one of our students accept top honors in a very important category.” WRFH had finalists in eight categories. You can hear Emily Schutte’s winning submission here.