Richmond sports talk host Big Al Coleman calls it a career and he did his final broadcast on Summit Media’s sports talk WURV-HD2/W291CL, Richmond. According to a story from WTVR-TV, Richmond, Coleman has been a fixture in Richmond sports talk for more than 30 years on numerous stations in the market. He began his working life as a stockbroker but caught the sports talk bug in the 1990s. He says, “Everybody to a person said to me, ‘Don’t quit your day job. You can’t do a sports talk show in Richmond, Virginia, five days a week. It ain’t gonna work…’ It worked. It worked.” He laments that the business isn’t what it was back in the day, “There’s not the same camaraderie. It’s not the same fun that it used to be.” But he adds, “It’s still fun; I still like doing the show. But it’s just time for me to go.” See the WTVR-TV story here.