The Broadcasters Foundation of America is presenting the next in its series of Media Mixers to Los Angeles on October 23. The charitable organization says this comes after successful events in New York and Los Angeles. It will be held at the Universal Studios Hollywood Lot from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm with co-hosts Colleen Williams, news anchor at KNBC, Los Angeles and KBIG, Los Angeles morning personality Valentine. BFoA says the purpose of the Media Mixers is to celebrate the camaraderie and connection within the broadcast community, to mix and mingle with peers, on-air talent, and industry executives, and to increase awareness of the Broadcasters Foundation charitable mission to junior-level broadcast professionals. BFoA president Tim McCarthy says, “I’m very excited about our first west coast Media Mixer. We’ve had remarkable success in New York and Chicago, bringing awareness of the mission of the Foundation to a new generation of broadcasters. The young professionals who attend get a great deal of value out of it. We look forward to expanding our reach on the west coast.”