Industry Views

CES2024: Tech Trends Research Revealed

By Holland Cooke

imHello from Las Vegas, where your undaunted correspondent dutifully suffered the long, long line snaking through the ballroom corridors at Mandalay Bay for what is, each year, a data feast: the Consumer Technology Association’s “Tech Trends to Watch” presentation.


– After 4G enabled Uber and other applications now common, inventors here are flexing 5G. And grab-the-armrest for what 6G and 7G will bring. Just when we’re blasé about Wi-Fi, we’re told that Li-Fi will use light to transmit data.

– Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT was training wheels. AI’s impact is just beginning to unfold. As it does, CTA research points to consumer concerns over privacy, disinformation, safety, and job loss. 74% believe the federal government should regulate AI safety.

– Sustainability: Solar panels of all shapes and sizes will replace batteries in many applications. A foil strip on your dog’s collar powers the tag you use to call him from your smartphone. And we’re seeing an inflatable portable smartfarm.

– Inclusivity: Fitness trackers for the wheelchair-bound. Hearable glasses for those vision AND hearing impaired, “chic” designs. Lots of tech for the aging, including…

– Health + Wellness: With women’s health a $1.2 trillion USA market, mattress sensors trigger cooling during menopause. AI will bring drug discovery breakthroughs.

– Mobility: EV goes marine with the Mercury 30E outboard. We’re seeing E-bikes and construction equipment. Critical issues: peace-of-mind about battery range and quicker charging, and “values” choices about using less gasoline.

– TV becomes the Intelligent Hub for your home, connecting with appliances, security cameras, and thermal imaging for tele-health. It’s an E-commerce platform “like a smartphone ecosystem.” More interactive (betting on live games), and immersive experiences Netflix will roll-out.

– Audio? CTA research points to a “rising growth in older podcast listeners:” and how podcasters will monetize superfans.

Here’s the entrée (I hope you’re hungry):

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Holland Cooke ( is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. He is the author of “Close Like Crazy: Local Direct Leads, Pitches & Specs That Earned the Benjamins” and “Confidential: Negotiation Checklist for Weekend Talk Radio.” Follow HC on Twitter @HollandCooke