By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp
PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Imagine the next wave.
The Great Town Hall Debate is a video game designed by experts, where players pick political parties, moderators, topics, questions, debaters, venue and media coverage. Can our video game be so advanced you can program facial expressions, gesture reactions, even voice volume and inflection? Maybe some gaming wizard is working on the concept as you read this, or maybe not. But let’s go with it for a minute and sell it.
Pick your parties, moderator(s), debaters, and everything else.
Who is (are) your presenting sponsor(s)?
- What exactly will your presenting and participating sponsors receive in our video game?
- How many breaks will you program?
- How will you fill commercial inventory in your debate?
- What if players push debaters too hard and you need a “time-out?” More commercials?
- How much signage will you allow and where will you place it?
- How many tickets will your selected venue allow?
- Will your tickets include sponsor logos?
- Will you offer a Great Town Hall Debate day of program “hand out” that includes, bios, and sponsors?
- Most importantly, will you develop a “Great Town Hall Debate” online community that can comment, connect, and enjoy your sponsor messaging? So important in this new wave we are exploring.
This is a just a start. Please just consider this a start point.
Our video game concept may seem a bit unusual today. But consider the benefit of staging this concept in a sales meeting. The goal is to open your thinking to the possibilities as well as what’s coming in the new metaverse.
The gaming wizards are a new generation more comfortable with commercial integration and the flexibility of working towards content that is profitable at all levels. There is a lot to be learned here. If you can open your thinking to the future, you could be in for a fun and energetic exchange in your next sales meeting.
Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at: