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His British accent sets him apart from his American contemporaries but his track record of intellectual conversation that’s been a part of Southern California for 40 years - a majority of which were spent middays on the great KABC during its heyday - is truly what makes him unique. To most L.A. talk radio fans, the name Michael Jackson is synonymous with talk radio.

He came to America in 1959 where he worked in television and radio in Springfield, Massachusetts before heading to California in 1961. While at KEWB, San Francisco he began an overnight talk program that launched him on a road from which he would never stray. He moved south to Los Angeles and landed at KABC. It was there he established himself as the erudite, thinking man’s talk host.

The list of greats from the fields of politics, show business, science and literature who have appeared as guests on Michael Jackson’s programs over the decades is probably among the most luminous in all of talk radio history.

By the mid-1990s, Jackson was criticized by talk radio’s new guard for being too liberal and serious-minded. It led to him being dropped by KABC amidst tremendous controversy. Today he is heard on KLAC, Los Angeles, a Clear Channel station.

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