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Perhaps he had a head start because he inherited the longest-running television news/talk program in history but Tim Russert has taken “Meet the Press” to the top of the Sunday morning news/talk heap in the 12 years he’s been the host. He also produces and hosts “The Tim Russert Show” weekly on CNBC.

Russert has a law degree but has spent most of his career involved in government or watching it closely. He served as counsel in the New York governor’s office and as a special counsel in the United States Senate. He joined NBC News in 1984 and became the host of “Meet the Press” in 1990.

Russert displays an acumen for not only the political workings of the world but for the media as well and he puts those two skills together very effectively on both “Meet the Press” and his own show on CNBC. His style is not pretty or flashy but it cuts to the quick and that’s what makes his work so good. There’s no question where Russert - a TV heavyweight - is going when he begins exploring a topic.

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