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Some might argue he’s solely responsible for the downfall of American culture but that’s probably going a bit too far. Still, he’s pioneered a television talk format of which P.T. Barnum himself would be in awe.

Jerry Springer has an interesting personal history. He graduated with a political science degree from Tulane, received a degree in law from Northwestern, practiced law, served on the Cincinnati city council and then became mayor of that city. From there he went into television as a political reporter and commentator. In 1991, he and his managers at WLWT-TV in Cincinnati developed a one-hour daily talk show called “The Jerry Springer Show” and the rest is history.

The program’s focus on the sordid problems encountered by society’s lowest common denominator is often criticized as “trash talk television” but there’s a certain fascination factor to the program. Indeed, it’s like watching a train wreck but who is to say that human drama has to be pretty?

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